Taylor Gets Sick (Part 2)

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Coraline's POV:
We arrived at the hospital and Taylor's starting to get clingy. She's still crying too. "Tay, come on." Travis said. Taylor didn't move. I knew she wanted me. "Taylor, let's go. You need to be checked out." Travis said in a stern voice. "Travis, let me handle this please." I say, going over to Taylor. "Tay, can you please move for me?" I ask. She nods. "It's okay. I'll hold your hand if you want." I say. She puts her hand out and I immediately take it. We walk in and we had to set an appointment with a fake name so she wasn't recognized. "Hi. How can I help you?" A lady asked. "Hi. My girlfriend has an appointment." Travis said. "Last name?" The lady asked. Please don't mess this up Travis. Please. "Kennedy." He said. Thank goodness. "Okay, right this way." The lady said, leading us to Taylor's room. Taylor gets on the bed and I go to her. "Cora, I'm okay. I know you're worried." She said. Dang, she's good at this.  "I know you are. I love you Tay." I say. "Love you too sweetheart." She says holding my hand. I started to sing our special song quietly. As I sang, the doctor came in. "Good morning. I'm Dr. Hanes. What seems to be the problem?" The doctor said. I spoke since Taylor didn't want to talk and Travis didn't know all the details. "Um, Taylor was throwing up then she said she was hot so I got the thermometer and it said 101.1." I say. "Thank you....." he trailed off. "Coraline." I said to finish his sentence. "Thank you Coraline." He said as he walked out. "Good job babes. That was very brave of you." Taylor said. "Thank you Tay." I say, still holding her hand. "Can I call you other names too?" I ask. "Of course babes. You can call me Taylor, Tay, TayTay, T-Swizzle, TT. Anything really." She said. "Okay. TT." I say jokingly. "TT it is." She says, laughing a little. The doctor came in again, "Okay Taylor, looks like you have a stomach bug." He says. A stomach bug? "Who do you think could take care of you? Your boyfriend or your kid?" He asked. Kid? I think I'm more mature than a kid. "Cora." Taylor said. She looked at Travis with a sorry look. "Okay then. You may now go home." The doctor said. I helped Taylor off of the bed and helped her to the car. She sat in the back with me since I'm taking care of her. "Taylor, I can't believe that you would rather have a child take care of you more than me." Travis said, his voice rising. My hand was still holding Taylor's and I could feel her shaking. "Travis please stop. You're making her shake." I say. "Look Cora, I'm an adult and Taylor is also an adult. She doesn't need a child taking care of her. She needs real care." He yelled. When Travis yelled, Taylor got scared. I realized she was scared and I hugged her, "It's okay, TT. I'm right here. I will take care of you not Travis, okay?" I say in a quiet comforting voice as I rub her back.

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