What Do We Do?

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Addie's POV:
Teffy and Travvy were getting ready for the day and Teffy helped me get ready. "Are you ready, baby?" Teffy asked. "Yes!" I say happily. "Okay, sweetheart." She said. She picked me up and carried me downstairs. Travvy opened the door and I saw shocked faces on both Teffy and Travvy's faces. "Trav, there's paparazzi." Teffy said. "What's papoazi?" I ask. " It's people with cameras and they yell questions at you." Teffy said. Then she put her hand over my face. "1, 2, 3." Teffy and Travvy both said. People were yelling at Teffy and Travvy.
"Taylor, is this your sister or daughter?"
"Travis, are you the father?"
"Taylor, is there a new album?"
Then they yelled for me and I'm so scared.
"Little girl, who are you?"
"Littler girl, what's your name?"
"Little girl, are you Taylor's sister or daughter?"
I buried my head into Teffy's shoulder and cried. "Shhhh. It's okay. It's over now. I'm here." Teffy said. She began to hum 'The Best Day.' I fell asleep in Teffy's arms. I feel safe when I'm with her.
Taylor's POV:
Paparazzi was horrible today. They were screaming at Addie. We got to the airport and Addie was asleep in my arms with her blanket, her teddy bear that I got her and her pacifier in her mouth. I know that you have to take the pacifier's away at age 1 but she hasn't had it taken yet so I just let her have it. My phone was buzzing and I couldn't answer since I had Addie in my arms. "Trav, could you please answer that?" I ask. "It might be my mom." I said. "Yeah. Of course." He said. A couple minutes later, he came back. "It was your mom. She's excited to see Addie." He said. "I knew she was going to call." I say. "You might want to call her again and tell her that Addie's sleeping so she shouldn't get her hopes up in case Addie's cranky." I said. "On it." He said. After a few long hours, we finally made it from LA to Nashville. We get in the car and drive to my parents. I feel Addie stir and I see her wide awake. "Hey, sweetheart. Did you sleep good?" I asked. She nodded, still tired a little. "We're going to see mommy and daddy." I say. "And Austy too?" She asked. She calls me Teffy, like my brother does and she calls my brother Austy. "Yes, and Austy too." I say. We get to my parent's house and Addie starts getting clingy. She hasn't seen my parents since she was a baby. I ring the doorbell and hear Kitty barking. Kitty is my mom's big dog that she decided to get after me and Austin moved out. "Taylor! Hi!" My mom said. "Addie? It's so good to see you again." She said. "Hi mom." I say. "Addie, do you remember mommy?" I ask. She buries her head into my shoulder. "She's a little shy right now." I whisper to my mom as I walk into the house. "Daddy!" I say. "Hi, Tay! Is this Addie?" He said. I nodded. "She's a little shy." I said. "Teffy?" I hear her whisper. "Yeah?" I whisper back. "Can I call you mommy or does our mommy need to have it?" She whispered. "How about you call me mommy when it's just us, Travvy, my friends and Tree, okay?" I ask. She nods. She went to play on my phone in the living room and she came back in, "I tired." She said. "Okay, sweetheart. Trav, can you grab her bottle?" I asked. She walked over to me and climbed on my lap. I gave her the bottle and she immediately fell asleep. "Tay, a pacifier and a bottle? You have to take those away." My dad said. "Dad, I know what I'm doing. I did this with Austin when he was little, remember?" I said. "Tay, I want you to listen to me. I know that you know what you're doing but at some point you have to get rid of these things." He said. "Dad, she's 2 not 12." I say with an attitude which I didn't mean to. "Taylor Alison Swift! Do not talk to me that way!" He practically yelled. Addie started crying and I looked at Travis with a 'We need to go home' look. We get up, grab our bags and leave. I say goodbye to my mom and my brother. Just not my dad because I'm super mad at him right now. We get home and Addie's still crying. Sometimes in between cries, she silently cries since she's so exhausted. "Addie, you're so tired, baby. I know, baby. Shhhh." I say, bouncing her in my arms. After what seemed like hours of trying to calm Addie down so she could sleep, she finally was out. I walked upstairs and put her in her crib. Yesterday we stopped at the to get a crib since we didn't have one. "Trav, this parenting thing is so hard with a baby." I say, exhausted like Addie. "My dad just doesn't get it. I know what I'm doing , right?" I asked. "I know, Tay. Yes, you do know what you're doing. Your dad's just sad that you're not a baby anymore." Travis said. We turned on Friends and watched in with leftovers from last night. I had the baby monitor close so I could watch her. I see her stirring and crying. Oh no. I immediately get up and go to her room. I picked her up and started bouncing her again. "Shhhh. You're okay. I'm here, baby. I'm right here." I say. Addie's cries didn't stop. They got louder and harder. "Addie, what's wrong?" I ask. Her cries were louder and louder as the time went on. "Addie, hey. I'm right here." I say. I felt her forehead, "Oh my god! Travis!" I yelled. "What's wrong, Tay?" He asked. "Her forehead. She has a fever." I say with tears in my eyes. "Hey, come here. She'll be okay." He said. Addie had calmed down and I gave her baby tylenol to bring the fever down. She was clingy to me all day. She's so sick. Hopefully tomorrow she'll be better.

I Was Enchanted To Meet You: A Taylor Swift Adoption StoryWhere stories live. Discover now