Looking To Adopt

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Taylor's POV:
I woke up today feeling like I wanted to adopt. I grabbed my phone and looked up orphanages in Nashville. The first one that popped up was: " Ms Stout's Orphanage For Girls". I pressed the call button and a woman, who I think was in her 30's answered the phone. " Can I come to adopt someone?" I asked and the woman said " Sure! How about 11:30?" " Perfect!" I answered, really happy. " Can I have your name please?" She asked me. " Taylor. Taylor Swift" I answered. "Okay Taylor! Your all set for 11:30! See you then!" She said. " Perfect! See you then!" I answered, before hanging up and getting ready for the day. It's 11:27 and I get to the car and drive to the orphanage.
Coraline's POV:
At 8:30 Ms Stout comes barging in our room and yells, " GET UP LAZY HEADS! Someone will be coming in to adopt someone." I immediately get up and start getting ready. I put my blonde hair in braids, get my favorite " Fearless" Taylor Swift shirt with "reputation" leggings on and go downstairs where the other girls were. At 11:30, I hear the doorbell ring and Ms Stout says in a loud voice " Good morning Miss Swift! Come on in!" Did I hear that right? Miss Swift? As in Taylor Swift?! A tall woman with long blonde hair and blue eyes walks in the room and I immediately realize that it IS Taylor Swift! I didn't know what to do. I swear I wasn't breathing at all (lol)
Taylor's POV:
I walk into a big living room and see little girls sitting on the floor. A cute little girl caught my attention. She had long blonde braids and was wearing one of my "Fearless" t-shirt with my "reputation" leggings. I think she's a Swiftie. The woman asks me to follow her to her office. I sit down and she asks " Do you know who you want to adopt today?" "Yes" I answer and she asks " Who's the lucky little lady to get adopted by Taylor Swift?" " There was this girl who had long blonde braids with a "Fearless" t-shirt and " reputation" leg-she cut me off. " Coraline is getting adopted by Taylor Swift then." She says. Okay her name is Coraline, got it, I say in my head. I walk out of the office and go over to Coraline. She seems scared but , apparently I'm her all time favorite singer so she warmed up to me pretty quickly. " Hi cutie! I'm Taylor! What's your name?" I ask.
Coraline's POV:
Taylor comes out of the office and walks over to me. I get scared but immediately calm down after she kneels down to talk to me. " Hi cutie! I'm Taylor! What's your name?" She asks me. " Cora....Coraline"
I stutter. " Can I give you a hug?" She asks me. I nod and she pulls me into a warming and comforting embrace. After a minute of silence she looks down at me and says " I adopted you. Are you ready to go pack and go home?" I immediately get a smile on my face and nodded as I headed upstairs to pack.
Taylor's POV:
Coraline heads upstairs to pack and a couple minutes later, she comes down and immediately holds my hand. I let her say goodbye to the other girls and we walk out to the car. Luckily, it was Saturday, so paparazzi wasn't around. I get her stuff in the trunk and I helped her get in the car. I get in the driver's seat and start to drive to my apartment. On a fast changing light that went from green to red, I quickly press on the breaks. I hear a whimper from Coraline. " What's wrong? " I ask. She was crying now. " This is how my parents died!" She said, full on sobbing now. " Hey Princess it's okay. I know you're sad and it's okay to be sad. I promise it's okay. Shhhhhh." I say in a comforting voice. Coraline was still crying but she wasn't having a panic attack, which is good. I turn to the driveway of my apartment and immediately open the door to where she was sitting. She started to cry again. Her sobs were getting heavier and she began to hyperventilate. I immediately grab her in a hug and she clung to me, sobbing into my chest. I bring her inside, still holding her in a hug and I sit on the couch. " Shhhhh. It's okay. We're home now. Everything's okay. Shhhh" I say, in a comforting voice, rubbing her back. A little while later, she stopped crying and hyperventilating. Tear marks were visible on her cheeks. " Thank you Taylor" her sweet little voice said. " Anytime Princess" I said. " How about we watch a movie?" "Okay!" She said , smiling now. "What do you want to watch?" " Can we watch Descendants 3?" She asked. " Absolutely! I love that movie!" I say. "Me too!" She says. Half way through the movie, her eyes begin to flutter but she kept fighting it. " You can go to sleep Princess. I'm not going anywhere. I promise." I say. She immediately falls asleep, snuggling me. I grab my "Eras Tour" blanket and place it on us. After a few minutes, I pick Coraline up and walked up to her new bedroom. I place her into her bed and said in a gentle and quiet voice, " Goodnight Princess. I love you."

I Was Enchanted To Meet You: A Taylor Swift Adoption StoryWhere stories live. Discover now