Taylor Saves The Day

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Ellie's POV:
The time that I took a nap and when Taylor left for a meeting, was around 1 o'clock. Taylor had called Travis and asked him to watch me while she's at the meeting. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" My foster dad yelled. I started to say something as I looked down at the floor but I was so scared and I couldn't say anything. "LOOK  AT ME WHEN YOU START TO SAY SOMETHING!" He yelled again. I stood up and ran to my room. I heard heavy footsteps running upstairs and I see the door open. My foster dad was standing in the doorway with no belt. He usually had a belt in his hand. Then I see him walking towards me. I didn't know what he was going to do since he didn't have a belt. Then he put his hand up and slapped me really hard on the face. I cried, screamed and begged him to stop but he didn't. He just kept on slapping me and yelling at me. I screamed even louder. Then it all went black.
I woke up screaming as loud as I could and I felt tears falling down my face. I heard running footsteps and thought it was Taylor but, it wasn't. It was Travis. He opened the door and walked over to me. "What's wrong, girlie?" He asked. "I-i-i-w-w-want-T-T-T-Taylor!" I screamed as I continued to cry. I started to cry even harder and my breathing became uneven. "Hey, hey. Come here. I need you to breathe, okay." Travis said. I didn't go in his arms. I just kept on begging him, through my sobs and shortened breaths for Taylor. After a while of my begging him for Taylor, he pulled out his phone and called Taylor. He put her on speaker phone so I could hear her. "Hey, Travi! What's up?" I hear her ask. I couldn't help but cry louder and harder than before. "Travi? What's going on? Is Ellie okay?" She asked. "T-T-T-Taylor!" I managed to scream as I cried. "Ellie! Are you okay? What's wrong?" She asked. I didn't answer. I then realized that I was having a panic attack. "Tay, her breathing is shaky and uneven. I need you to come home now." Travis said. "Oh my god! I'm on my way. Ellie, I'm coming home." She said. Travis hung up the phone and I just kept on crying with my shaky breathing and loud screams, begging for Taylor. 5 minutes later, I see Taylor's silhouette in the doorway. She immediately came over to me and pulled me onto her lap as I cried into her chest and as she stroked my hair. "Shhhh. You're okay. I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere. Shhhhh. It's okay, baby." She said softly. I couldn't stop crying. I was so scared about what just happened while I was sleeping.
Taylor's POV:
I was in my meeting when my phone buzzed. Travis was calling me. "Hey, Tree? Travis is calling me. Can I answer it?" I ask Tree. "Yeah. Go ahead." She said.
I stepped out to the hallway and answered the call. "Hey, Travi! What's up?" I say. Travis didn't answer. That's weird. He usually answers. I hear someone crying really hard and loud. "Travi? What's going on? Is Ellie okay?" I ask. "T-T-T-Taylor!" I hear Ellie scream as she cried. "Ellie! Are you okay? What's wrong?" I ask. No answer. Oh no. "Tay, her breathing is shaky and uneven. I need you to come home now." Travis said. Oh my god! "Oh my god! I'm on my way. Ellie, I'm coming home." I say. I hung up the phone and rushed into the meeting room and grabbed my coat and my purse. "Taylor, we need to start. What are you doing?" Tree asked. I started to panic and worry about Ellie. "Taylor, what's wrong?" I hear my mom ask. She comes over to me and pulls me into a hug. I started crying and shaking. "Hey, it's okay." She said. "Is your anxiety high?" She asked. I shook my head and continued crying. After a couple minutes, I calmed down. "What's wrong?" Tree asked. "Ellie's crying and her breathing's uneven. Travis needs me home." I explained, in all one breath so I didn't cry again. "Oh my gosh. Yeah, you better go." She said. "Thank you." I say, grateful that I could be with my daughter. I get to my car and drive to my house. I immediately get out of the car and run upstairs to Ellie's room. I see her sitting up in her bed, crying hard and shaking so much. I immediately go to her and pull her onto my lap, "Shhh. You're okay. I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere. Shhh. It's okay, baby." I say softly as I stroked her hair and as she cried into my chest. She couldn't stop crying even after she saw me in the doorway. Something's really wrong. I started to hum her lullaby while rocking us side to side as she continued to cry into my chest. I looked at the clock and was 4:30 pm by the time she calmed down. "What happened, baby?" I asked. "I had a nightmare." She said. "Oh, honey. Did the nightmare scare you too much and made you have a panic attack?" I asked. She didn't say anything. She just nodded. "Can I ask what the nightmare was about?" I asked. I didn't know if she wanted to talk about it. She had a thinking look on her face for a moment and nodded. She hesitated a little before she started talking. "It was about my foster dad." She said. She cringed at the words "foster dad." I thought about what to ask her since I didn't want to upset her again. "What did he do?" I asked. "H-he hit me a lot and yelled at me a lot too." She said. She stuttered on "he." "Oh, honey. I'm so sorry." I say, pulling her back into a hug. After a few minutes of me hugging her, Travis was standing in the doorway, looking at us. I knew he was jealous of her and I's  bond. "Is she okay?" He asked quietly. I still had her  in a hug and I nodded. I stood up and picked her up and sat her on my hip. I could feel her getting nervous about not being able to cling to me. I set het down on the couch and went to start dinner. As dinner was in the oven, I went back into the living room and I see Ellie laying down but she looked pale. "You okay, baby?" I ask as I walk over. She shook her head. "What's wrong?" I ask. "I don't feel good." She said in a baby "I don't feel good" voice. "What doesn't feel good?" I ask as I lay next to her. "My tummy." She said. I could tell she was getting uncomfortable. She was stirring and trying to get herself in a comfortable position. "Hey, you're okay." I say as I see a tear roll down her cheek. "It's okay. I know it hurts. I know. Shhhh." I say. I hear her whimper like a "I'm going to throw up" whimper. "Are you feeling like you're going to puke?" I ask. She nodded. I immediately picked her up and carried her to the bathroom. As soon as she got to the toilet, she threw up. I think she was scared and embarrassed because she was crying really hard. "Hey, shhhh. It's okay. I'm right here." I say as I rub her back. I hear someone knock on the door, "Tay? Everything okay?" Travis asked. Ellie clung to me like she was scared of Travis walking in when she's throwing up. "Is Ellie in there with you?" He asked. I hear Ellie cry into my shirt. I opened the door and gave him a "She's scared" look. He understood and let me and her lay in bed. After a while, Ellie finally fell asleep. I felt my eyelids close and I fell asleep too. I woke up at looked at my clock. It was 6:15 pm. I felt Ellie stir a little. I looked over and noticed that there were tears rolling down her face. Then I hear whimpering from her. She kept tossing and turning, crying in her sleep. I pulled her closer to me and stroked her hair. "Hey, it's okay. He can't hurt you. I'm here, baby. Shhhhh." I say quietly. I began to sing 'Forever And Always (Piano Version)' quietly and I noticed Travis walking in. "She asleep?" He asked. I nodded, still stroking Ellie's hair so she knows I'm still there.

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