An Unexpected Visit

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Coraline's POV:
It's 11:30 in the morning when Taylor comes in my room, "Hey Bug, what are you up to?" She asks. "Nothing really. Just watching my phone." I say. "Okay sweetheart. I'll be downstairs if you need me." She says. I get a text from Ms Gibson who brought me to the orphanage when my parents "died".
I opened it and read it: Hi Cora. I hope everything is going well with Taylor. I hope you have everything you wanted. I miss seeing you and I hope that you are enjoying being Taylor's daughter. Talk soon.
I miss you too Ms Gibson.
I text back: Hi Ms Gibson. Everything's going well with Taylor. I miss seeing you too. I love being Taylor's daughter.
Taylor's POV:
A half an hour went by and I hear my doorbell buzz. Cora runs down the stairs and goes to the door. "Ms Gibson?! What are you doing here?" I hear Cora ask. Who's Ms Gibson? "I've missed you so much Corrie. I had to come see you." I hear a woman say. Cora has never mentioned the name Corrie. "I've missed you too Ms Gibson." Cora says. "Oh, um, TT, This is Ms Gibson. Ms Gibson, this is Taylor or TT as I call her." Cora introduces me. "Hi Taylor. I'm Ms Gibson. I brought Corrie to the orphanage when she was 7." The woman explained. "Can you please excuse me and Cora for a second?" I ask. "Yes, of course." The woman said. I pull Cora aside, " Cora, are you comfortable with this woman?" I ask. "Yeah TT. I know her." She says, confused. "You've never mentioned the name Corrie before. Is that a nickname?" I ask. "Um, yeah. My parents used to call me that and Ms Gibson calls me that." She explained, looking down sadly. "Oh, sweetheart. Look, I don't have to call you that if you don't want me to." I say, pulling her into a hug. "No, it's okay. I just haven't heard that nickname in a while. You can call me that, TT." She says, her voice sounds like it was breaking. "Oh honey. Shhh. It's okay. I'm so sorry. I don't want you to cry. I'm sorry." I say. "It's okay. The nickname just brought back memories of my parents. I'm okay." She says, crying a little. "Okay. Do you want to see Ms Gibson still or do you want her to leave?" I ask. "She can stay." Cora says. I take her back into the living room where Ms Gibson was sitting. "Okay. So Corrie, what's been going on?" She asks. Cora looks at me when she said the name Corrie. "Um, I now live with Taylor and it's been great." She says. "That's great Corrie! I'm so happy that you're happy." She says. "I don't mean to sound rude Ms Gibson, but, can you not call me Corrie? I don't really use that name anymore." Cora says. "Oh. Um, yeah Cora." Ms Gibson says. "Thank you." Cora says now smiling again. "There's my girl." I say. "Cora, I have a question." Miss Gibson started. "I assume that you know that your parents are alive?" She asks. Cora nods. "They would like to have you in their family again." She says. I gasp quietly. Cora looks at me and then back at Ms Gibson, "No! They can't take me! TT's my mommy now! And she is the best!" She yells, starting to cry. My poor baby. "Hey babes, it's okay. Shhh." I say pulling her into a hug. "Cora, I understand that you love Taylor. I do. But, your parents want you in their care." She says. "No! I'm not going to live with them! I'm staying here! With TT! My real mommy!" She yells, getting out of my hug, crying and running upstairs. I hear her door slam. "I'm so sorry Taylor. I thought she would have been happy." Ms Gibson says, looking sympathetically. "I appreciate the apology but I think you need to leave." I say politely. She gets her things and goes out the door. I leave the front door and walk back into the living room. I hear Cora's sobs from her room. I get up and go to her door, "Cora, can I come in?" I ask. "Go away Ms Gibson." She says in sobs. "It's TT, honey. Please let me in." I say. She unlocks her door and runs into my arms, crying into my shoulder. "Shhhh. It's okay. I'm right here. "D-do-I-i-h-have-t-to-g-go-w-with-m-my-p-parents?" Cora asks in between her sobs. "No sweetheart. You can stay right here with me." I say with Cora still sobbing into my shoulder. "I love you my sweet angel." I say after Cora's sobs die down a bit. "I love you too mommy." She says as both of us hug tighter.

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