3. Party Troubles

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Discipline: Kennan/Juliet (M/F) Hand | Dave/Juliet (M/F) Scolding & Belt | Amanda/Juliet (F/F) Hairbrush | Adam/Chloe (M/F) Scolding & Belt

Tonight Juliet and Chloe are going to a college party. It's the first one they're going to, they're both kind of nervous but also excited. Right now they're getting dressed for the party. It takes them about twenty minutes to get ready then they leave. As they're getting into the car, Juliet gets a call from Kennan.

Juliet: Hello?

Kennan: Hey, it's Kennan.

Juliet: Hey, what's up?

Kennan: I'm on duty tonight, and there's been lots of calls about parties. So, please don't go to any, I better not catch you at any either.

Juliet: Kennan, I'm an adult! I can do whatever I want!

Chloe looks over at Juliet surprised. Kennan isn't her legal guardian but she should still respect him.

Kennan: If I catch you, you're not going to like the consequences. And if Chloe's with you, make sure you tell her that.

Afterwards they hang up and Juliet explains the conversation to Chloe. "Maybe we shouldn't go.." Chloe says. "Come on, we have to!" Juliet says. Chloe thinks and decides they should go. "Fine, but if you hear police sirens, we run!" Chloe says. Juliet nods.

The first half of the party goes really well. They drink a few beers, they talk with some people, and Juliet trying to flirt with this senior, and she's a junior. Then it goes down hill when everyone can hear the police sirens outside.

Earlier that Night
8:00 p.m.

Kennan is about to go on duty tonight, he has to start in ten minutes. They just got the twins to go to sleep, and now he's changing into his police uniform. "I called Juliet and told her, I better not find her at any of these parties tonight." Kennan tells Skylar. "Hopefully she listens, I know your parents won't be happy if she is at one." Skylar adds. "Yeah, that's for sure, and Chloe's with her."

"I know Uncle Adam will not be happy about it either." Kennan says. "I should probably get going, I love you." Kennan says before kissing Skylar and leaving.

After there short conversation Kennan has to start patrolling. Over the course of an hour Kennan was directed to three parties, so far none with Juliet and Chloe.

After another hour still no sign, but that's when he gets told to break up another party. Kennan has a partner Officer Sanchez, he's an Officer in training, so a rookie. "Hoping this isn't them either." Kennan says. They both walk up to the house, yelling that everyone needs to clear out. "Everyone out! This party is over!" Kennan yells. As everyone's leaving he spots two familiar faces trying to sneak out the back.

"Juliet! Chloe!" Kennan yells. That's when he notices them pick up there pace. He runs after them, grabbing both their arms. "Let's go! You're both coming with me!" Kennan declares. "Please Kennan! Don't do this!" Juliet begs. "It's too late for that. You should have listened to me." Kennan scolds. "No! Stop!" Juliet yells trying to get away, and ends up hitting Kennan.

Kennan doesn't stand for that and starts landing smacks on Juliet's dress covered bottom.


"OUCH! STOP!" Juliet whines.

Kennan takes Juliet and Chloe and puts them in the back of the cruiser. Afterwards he makes sure everyone's cleared out of the house, then both of the officers return to the car. Kennan drops Officer Sanchez back at the station before heading home with the girls.

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