14. Grandpa Time

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Discipline: Mark/Eden (M/F) Lecture | Kennan & Skylar/Eden (M & F/F) Lecture | Skylar/Eden (F/F) Hand | Kennan/Eden (M/F) Belt

Today is Saturday, and Mark is going to be spending the day with Eden and Elliot. Then tonight, they will be having dinner together.

It's almost one o'clock now, Kennan and Skylar decided to feed the kids lunch, before Mark came to get them. Mark should be here any minute, since he said around one.

"Kids, go get your shoes on, your grandpas almost here." Skylar says. Both kids go get their shoes, from the closet. "So, what should we do today?" Kennan asks, holding Skylar by the waist. "Hmm." Skylar says, and gives Kennan a smirk. They are interrupted by a knock on the door.

"I'll go get the kids." Kennan says, walking upstairs. Skylar opens the door, to see her dad. "Hi dad! Please come in." Skylar says. "Hi honey." Mark says, and hugs Skylar. "Kennan's upstairs getting the kids." Skylar says, and Mark nods. "So what are your plans for today?" Mark asks. "I think we're just going to hang around the house, nothing special." Skylar says.

A few minutes later, Kennan comes downstairs with the kids. "You guys ready?" Mark asks his grandkids. "Yes!" Eden yells. Elliot nods, with a smile. "Eden, inside voice." Kennan laughs. "Say goodbye, then we'll head out." Mark says. "Be back by 6 for dinner?" Mark asks. "Yep, should be done by then." Skylar says. Both kids say goodbye to their parents, and then they head out to Mark's truck.

Mark has his own set of car seats, in case of an emergency. Mark helps Elliot get buckled first, then helps Eden. Once there in the truck, Mark explains the plan. "So, I was thinking we could go see a movie, then afterwards go to the park to run off some energy." Mark says. "Yes!" Both kids yell. "Okay!" Mark laughs.

About twenty minutes later, they arrive at the movie theater. So, they're just in time because the movie starts at one-thirty. "Wait for me to come around, to get you two out." Mark says, as he parks. Mark gets Elliot unbuckled and out first, since he's on the same side. Mark takes Elliot's hand as he walks to the other side. Mark gets Eden unbuckled, then takes both of there hands as they walk in.

Mark gets the tickets, some popcorn and drinks, then they go into there movie. Everyone had a good time at the movie. Both kids enjoyed it, and now are on their way to the park. Mark figured the park would be a good idea, so they can run all the sugar off. "Did you two like the movie?" Mark asks, as they get into the car. "Yes!" Eden yells. "Yes, thank you!" Elliot smiles. Mark smiles at his grandkids. "Good."

About fifteen minutes later, they arrive at the park. Mark helps both kids get out, then lets them go play. "Both of you stay where I can see you, understood?" Mark asks. "Yes grandpa." Both kids say.

Eden and Elliot play for about two hours, before Mark decides they should head back. "Kids, come on." Mark yells. He's happy they listened, and stayed in view the whole time. Elliot runs over to Mark, ready to go home. Elliot misses his parents, but he also loved spending time with his grandpa. Eden on the other hand, wanted to keep playing. Eden likes nature and to be outdoors more. Whereas Elliot's a homebody and likes to stay inside, but still likes to play outside from time to time.

"Eden, let's go!" Mark yells. "Grandpa, I wanna play more!" Eden whines, running over. "We've been here for two hours, it's time to go. It's almost dinner time." Mark says. Eden crosses her arms, and makes a pouty face. "That won't work on me, let's go now." Mark says, taking both of there hands.

Mark gets both kids buckled into his truck, then starts driving back to the house. It only takes five minutes so it should be an easy ride.

"OWIE EDEN!" Elliot yells. "Hey! What's going on back there?" Mark says. "Eden hit me!" Elliot whines. "Eden Rose, keep your hands to yourself." Mark scolds. Eden huffs loudly, and kicks the seat in front of her. No one is sitting there, but she should still know better than that. "Don't you dare kick that seat again." Mark warns. Eden doesn't care, and kicks it again. "You just got yourself into a whole lot of trouble, young lady." Mark says, and shakes his head. Then Mark goes silent for the rest of the drive.

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