17. Running Away

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Discipline: Dave/Elliot (M/M) Hand & Timeout | Skylar/Elliot (F/M) Hand | Kennan/Eden (M/F) Hand & Hairbrush

It's currently Saturday around noon, the twins just finished eating. Skylar had the kids go up and play, so she could work on a few things around the house. Skylar needed to do some cleaning around the house, because Dave and Amanda are going to watch the twins tomorrow night. Kennan and Skylar are planning on having a date night, tomorrow.

Eden and Elliot are currently in Eden's room. Eden wanted Elliot to come into her room, so they could play together. Eden sits on the floor in front of her barbie house, and starts playing. "Here Eli, you can play with Ken." Eden says. "I don't wanna play dolls Eden." Elliot says. "But, you have to! You said you would play with me." Eden says, getting up. "I don't wanna play dolls, Eden!" Elliot says. Eden huffs, mad, then she pushes Elliot. "OWIE!" Elliot cries, as he falls onto the floor, from the push.

Elliot runs out of Eden's room, and out the front door. Skylar was in her and Kennan's room, so didn't hear anything. Elliot runs up to his grandparents house, and knocks on the door. Dave opens the door a second later, to see Elliot. "Hey bud, where's mommy and daddy?" Dave asks. Elliot pushes past Dave, and runs into the house.

Dave closes the door, and walks into the living room, where Elliot sat down. "Buddy, what's wrong?" Dave asks. "Eden pushed me, because I wouldn't play with her, so I ran up here!" Elliot cries into his grandpa. "Shh, it's okay." Dave says, rocking him. After Elliot calms down, Dave sits him up to have a talk with him. "Young man, does mommy know you came up here?" Dave asks his grandson. "No sir." Elliot says looking down. Dave shakes his head, "Go stand in that corner while I call mommy." Dave says. "Yes sir." Elliot cries, and walks over to the corner.

Skylar: "Hello?" Skylar asks, worried like.

Dave: "Hey honey, Elliot's up here with me. I'm sure you've been looking for him." Dave says.

Skylar: "Oh, thank goodness." Skylar says.

Dave: "But, he said he ran up here, because Eden pushed him to the ground." Dave explains.

Skylar: Skylar sighs, "I'll have a talk with her." Skylar says.

Dave: "Sounds good, I'll keep Elliot for a little bit, should I give him a spanking?" Dave asks.

Skylar: "Go ahead, he should know better than to run away." Skylar says.

Afterwards they hang up, and Dave goes to get Elliot out of the corner. "Buddy, come here." Dave says to Elliot. Dave brings Elliot over to the couch, and sits down. "I'm going to give you a small spanking for running away, okay?" Dave says. "No grandpa! I'm sorry!" Elliot cries. Dave shakes his head, and takes Elliot across his lap. After taking down his pants and underwear. "I'm starting Elliot." Dave says. Dave only plans on giving Elliot a few smacks, since he figures Kennan and Skylar will have a talk with him.


"OWIE GRANDPA!" Elliot cries out. Dave hates spanking his kids and grandkids, but it has to be done.


"OWIE!" Elliot cries into his grandpa's lap. "You have five more, then it's over buddy." Dave says, rubbing Elliot's back. "O-Okay grandpa." Elliot cries.


Once Dave places the last smack, he pulls Elliot into his lap, and slowly rocks him. "Shh, your okay now." Dave says, rubbing Elliot's back. After a few minutes, Elliot's calmed down and Dave sends him back to the corner. "I'll be right back, you stay in that corner." Dave tells Elliot. A few seconds after Dave leaves, Elliot leaves the corner and goes back down to the house.

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