10. Twin Trouble

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Discipline: Amanda/Eden (F/F) Warning | Skylar & Kennan/Eden (F & M/F) Timeout & Lecture | Skylar/Elliot (F/M) Lecture & Hand | Kennan/Eden (M/M) Hand & Belt

(A/N): In the next few days, I will have a brand new story called 'Lexi's Life', it will be a spinoff to Jennifer, Kent, and Lexi's Life.

Today Kennan has a hard day at work, there was a hectic police chase this morning. So he's been working on tons of paperwork all day. Skylar went to check up on him, during her lunch break. He was still working on paper work, but put it aside so they could have lunch together, like they usually do.

Around three-thirty, Amanda dropped off the kids like she usually does. "Were they well behaved in the car?" Skylar asks Amanda. "Actually, neither of them talked to each other, but they would talk to me." Amanda says. Skylar nods. "I'm guessing something happened at school, I'm sure there's a note in one of there bags." Skylar sighs. Amanda gives Skylar a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry honey." Amanda says.

"It's okay, but Kennan's already had a stressed day with work today. He's not going to be happy if something happened at school." Skylar says. "How about I just bring them back with me, we can feed them dinner, and keep them till bedtime." Amanda suggests. "I would say yes, but they're probably both in trouble." Skylar says. "Honey, tomorrow's Saturday, you two rest tonight. Then you can handle them tomorrow."Amanda says.

Skylar nods. "Alright, thank you Amanda." Skylar says. Amanda gives her daughter-in-law a hug then calls for her grandkids. "Eden, Elliot! You're going to come home with grandma." Amanda says. Both of them run over to her. "Hey, no running, this is a very serious place." Amanda scolds. "Sorry." They both say. "Say goodbye to your mother, then we'll head out." Amanda says. "Be good for grandma." Skylar says as she hugs her kids.

After they leave Skylar packs her stuff up, and goes to see if Kennan is ready. "Hey babe, you ready?" Skylar asks. "Yeah, just about. Where are the kids?" Kennan asks, stacking all the papers together. "Your mom offered to take them with her tonight. I told her we've had a pretty stressful day, and I'm pretty sure they got in trouble at school." Skylar says. Kennan sighs. "Alright, are they coming back before bedtime?" Kennan asks. "Yeah, your mom said she'd bring them by at bedtime." Skylar says. "Sounds good. Ready to go?" Kennan asks.

Kennan and Skylar go out to Kennan's truck, and start driving home. "Would you want to order in tonight, and watch a movie?" Skylar asks. "Sure. That sounds like fun." Kennan smiles. Once they arrive home, Kennan and Skylar change into some comfy clothes. Kennan orders them both some food while Skylar picks out a movie.

Dave & Amanda's House

Amanda, Cody, Eden, and Elliot got home around four o'clock. After they got home, they went inside. Cody went straight to the dining table, to start his homework. "Do you two have any homework?" Amanda asks her grandkids. They both start whining, not wanting to do it. "Sit, and get it done." Amanda points at the table. "But mommy never makes us do it till Sunday night!" Eden says.

"Well, I'm not mommy. Now sit down, this is better anyways, then you get the whole weekend to relax. Elliot does as he's told, whereas Eden puts up a fight. "Please grandma! I'll do it Sunday night!" Eden whines. "Eden Rose!" Amanda scolds. "You will sit down and do that homework or I can spank you, then you can do it." Amanda warns. Eden huffs but sits down next to Elliot.

Amanda grabs her phone and calls the pizza place to order a couple pizzas for them tonight. Dave should be home in the next hour. "Mom, I'm done. Can I go to my room?" Cody asks. "Let me check it." Amanda says. "Looks good, thank you. I'll call you when dinners here." Amanda says.

About a half hour later Dave gets home, just as Elliot is finishing his homework. "I'm done, grandma." Elliot says. "Good job buddy. Put it back in your bag." Amanda says. Elliot nods. "Eli, can you help me?" Eden asks. Elliot nods and climbs back into his chair. "You just have to add those!" Elliot says. "Oh, thanks." Eden smiles.

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