26. Hayden's Father

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Discipline: Amanda/Juliet (F/F) Scolding

Tonight Hayden's father is coming for dinner at Hayden and Chloe's apartment. Cordell called Hayden a little bit ago and said he'd like to talk to him in private before they had dinner. It's currently four o'clock, and he's coming at five for dinner, so they can talk before hand.

Hayden walks into there bedroom, Chloe is getting ready for tonight. "Hey babe." Hayden says. "Hey." Chloe smiles. "So, my dad called me and said he wanted to talk to me privately first." Hayden says. Chloe nods, "Of course, I figured so." Chloe says. "Thanks." Hayden smiles, and kisses Chloe. "You look beautiful." Hayden says. "Thank you." Chloe smiles. "So when will he be here?" Chloe asks. "In an hour, I think." Hayden says. Chloe nods, and continues doing her makeup. Hayden decides to go get ready, then they can set the table. They decided to order some Chinese food, Cordell was fine with it.

Once Hayden gets ready it's about four-thirty. "Babe, you almost ready?" Hayden asks. "Yeah, coming!" Chloe says. "Wanna set the table, while I order?" Hayden asks. Chloe nods, and starts grabbing plates. Hayden orders and said it will be delivered in thirty to forty-five minutes. "You okay?" Hayden asks, coming up to Chloe. "Yeah, just nervous because I haven't seen your dad in a while." Chloe says. "It'll be okay. You know he loves you." Hayden says. "I know." Chloe smiles. Then there's a knock on the door, "Must be my dad, he must be early." Hayden says.

Hayden opens the door to his father. "Hey son." Cordell says, and Hayden welcomes him in. "Sorry I'm a little early, hope that's okay." Cordell says. "Yeah, we don't mind." Hayden says. "Nice to see you Mr. Shepherd." Chloe says, giving him a hug. "Nice to see you too honey." Cordell says. "We can talk on the balcony, while we wait for the food to get here." Hayden tells his father. "We'll be back babe." Hayden says. "Sounds good." Chloe smiles.

Hayden steps onto the balcony porch and sits with his father. "So, I didn't really want to have this conversation on the phone." Cordell says. Hayden nods along. "It has to do with your mother, so I thought in person would be better." Cordell says. Hayden nods, "Oh." He says. "So as you know your grandparents spanked me growing up, and I don't have a problem with it. But your mom, she didn't believe in it. I tried talking to her and so did your grandparents, but all she saw it as was abuse." Cordell says truthfully. Hayden sighs, "I never knew that dad." Hayden says. Cordell nods, "I've never told you, I've only told your grandparents. I didn't want to tell you till you were older. And I don't want this to change your relationship with your mom now." Cordell says.

"It won't but I only see her once or twice a year, and we weren't that close after she left anyways." Hayden says. Cordell nods, "Come here son." Cordell says, bringing Hayden in for a hug. "I love you son." Cordell says. "I love you too dad." Hayden says. "But, does this mean you're going to start spanking me?" Hayden asks. "Well, you are an adult but I think it's the right thing if you act out. I should have started it as soon as your mom left, but I felt you were too old at the point. But now I realize I was wrong." Cordell says. Hayden nods, "I guess I'm okay with it." Hayden says. Cordell laughs and nods along. "Do you mind if I tell Chloe about our conversation?" Hayden asks. "Not at all. I just felt it was better if we had this conversation alone." Cordell says.

After there conversation is done they head back inside, and Chloe is setting food on the table. "I was just about to come get you guys." Chloe says. Everyone sits down and starts getting some delicious food. "Thank you for getting food." Cordell says. "Your welcome sir." Chloe says. "So how is moving in going?" Cordell asks. "It's going  good, I basically just need to get all my clothes hang up. I didn't bring much since Hayden has kitchen supplies." Chloe says. "That makes sense, glad it's going good." Cordell says.

Dave & Amanda's House
Juliet's Room

Juliet was in her room trying to sign up for her classes. Summer was almost over which means she needed to sign up or she wouldn't have a spot. "Ugh!" Juliet yells, annoyed. Amanda comes into her room after hearing the commotion. "What's wrong honey? Amanda asks. "I can't sign up for this stupid class!" Juliet says. "Alright calm down, I'll help you." Amanda says, sitting next to her on her bed. "It's not going to work!" Juliet yells. Amanda gives her daughter a stern look. "I would suggest you don't use that tone with me, young lady." Amanda scolds. Juliet sinks into her bed, "Yes ma'am." Juliet says, tears going down her face.

"Honey, what's wrong?" Amanda asks. "I just miss Chloe. She always knew how to do this stuff." Juliet cries. "Shh, it's okay. I know it's going to be hard not living with her, but you can still visit each other, and hang out." Amanda says. Juliet nods, "I know, it's just not the same." Juliet says. Amanda nods, and gives her daughter a long hug, then helps her. "Thank you mom, I don't know what I was doing wrong." Juliet says. "Your welcome. You should probably go to bed soon, since you have your first day of your new job tomorrow." Amanda says. Juliet nods, "Yes ma'am." Juliet says. "Come say good night before you go to bed." Amanda says. Juliet nods. The bad thing about moving back in with your parents as an adult, is they will still scold and punish you.

It's almost nine so Juliet decided to take a shower and get ready for bed. Once she was done with her shower and brushed her teeth, she went to say goodnight to her parents. They were both in there room, watching a movie on there television. "You going to bed honey?" Dave asks. "Yeah." Juliet says. "I was thinking, do you want to drive together, at least tomorrow? Then if you don't want to after that that's fine." Dave says. "Yeah, I'm fine with that." Juliet tells her dad. "And remember we're leaving at six-thirty." Dave tells Juliet. Juliet sighs but nods. Afterwards she says goodnight to both her parents and goes back upstairs.

She goes into Cody's room, and he's laying on his bed, looking at his ceiling. "Cody? Are you okay?" Juliet asks. Cody sits up, "Oh, I'm fine." Cody says. Juliet sits down next to him on his bed. "You nervous?" Juliet asks. Cody nods. Even though Juliet and Kennan are closer in age, she's always had this sense when she knows something is wrong with Cody. "High school is going to be okay, you will do great! I can always help you with homework or anything you need." Juliet says. "Thank you." Cody smiles, and hugs his sister. "You going to bed?" Juliet asks. "I'm going to stay up for a little bit." Cody says. Afterwards Juliet heads to bed after saying goodnight to Cody.

Back at Hayden and Chloe's apartment, Cordell just left a little bit ago. Chloe decided to get the dishes done tonight so they wouldn't have to do them in the morning. "I think that went well." Chloe says. "Me too. I wanted to tell you what me and my dad talked about." Hayden says. Chloe nods along, listening. "So, he said he never spanked me because my mom thought of it as abuse, and thought I was too old by the time she left." Hayden says. Chloe nods, "I'm sorry Hayden." Chloe says, hugging him. "Thanks babe." Hayden says, snuggling into her. "I say we finish these, then go turn a movie on." Hayden says. "I like the sound of that." Chloe smiles.

(A/N): I hope you enjoyed this chapter! It's a little shorter, but hope you still enjoyed! Please comment and suggestions! Please comment and vote!
-Naz <3

Word Count: 1,382 Words

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