27. Staying Up Too Late

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Discipline: Amanda/Cody (F/M) Timeout, Scolding & Hair Brush | Dave/Cody (M/M) Scolding

It's the next morning around six, Dave just started getting ready. Amanda's usually awake to see Dave go to work then goes back to sleep till seven-thirty or so during the summer. She slept in today, because Kennan and Skylar took the day off. Once Dave was ready he woke Amanda to say goodbye. "Bye babe, I love you." Dave says kissing Amanda. "Goodbye, love you. Tell Juliet I made a lunch for her." Amanda says. "Will do." Dave smiles.

Dave heads into the kitchen to get his coffee ready, and hears Juliet upstairs in the bathroom. Once his coffee is ready, he grabs it and Juliet's lunch, and sets them on the counter, beside his brief case and truck keys. He heads upstairs and Juliet's gone back to her room, so he knocks on the door. A second later she opens the door to see her dad. "Hey honey, almost ready?" Dave asks. "Yes sir, just need to get my shoes on." Juliet says. "Alright, meet me in the truck in five minutes." Dave says.

Dave looks into Cody's room to see if he's still asleep and he's climbing into bed, but his playstation is still on. "Cody?" Dave asks, coming into the room. "Uh..Hey dad." Cody says. "Have you been up all night, young man?" Dave asks. "I-I." Cody tries. Dave sighs, "We will talk when I come home for lunch." Dave says. "Yes sir." Cody says. "Go to sleep, you're getting up when I get home." Dave says.

Dave goes back into his and Amanda's room and she's asleep so he decides to let her sleep, and he'll text her what happened. Then Dave went to get into his truck, and wait for Juliet. A minute later she comes out, in a black dress, slip ons, and her purse. "Your mother made this for you." Dave says, handing the bag to Juliet. "Oh, that was nice of her." Juliet says. Dave nods along, not saying much. "Dad, are you okay?" Juliet asks. "Well, on the way out here I checked on your brother, and he was just going to bed." Dave says. Juliet widens her eyes. "Did you know he stayed up all night?" Dave asks. "No, when I said good night to him, he said he was going to bed soon." Juliet says. Dave nods.

A few minutes later they arrive, Dave grabs his brief case, and Juliet grabs her purse and lunch. Dave heads in, Juliet following behind him. "I would check in at the front desk first, to see if they have instructions for you." Dave says. Juliet nods and walks up to the front desk, while Dave goes to his office. Juliet has a lot of mixed emotions right now. She's really nervous for this job, and she wants to make a good impression. "Hello, I'm Juliet Emerson." Juliet says to a woman at the reception area. "Hello! I assume you're the new reception worker." She says. "Yes, I am." Juliet says. "Great, come around, and I'll show you what to do." She smiles.

Juliet nods, walking around the front desk. "I'm Meredith by the way, but you can call me Mer if you'd like." Meredith says. Juliet nods, "Nice to meet you." Juliet says. "So this is your part of the front desk, you have a cubby back there, and your lunch can go in the lounge, we have a fridge and table in there." Meredith says. Juliet nods. "So go ahead and put your stuff up, then I can show you how to work the front desk." Meredith says. "Thank you." Juliet says.

Juliet puts her purse into her cubby, and lunch into the fridge. Then goes back out to the front desk, where Meredith is typing away. "Hey, so this is your computer. They already prepared you an email and password, I recommend writing it down in your phone." Meredith says. Juliet nods, "I put my phone in my cubby." Juliet says. "Girl go grab it, they don't care if we have our phones. As long as we're not on them when we shouldn't be." Meredith says. Juliet nods and goes to grab her phone. "So here's your email and password, so log in then I'll explain how to use the main programs." Meredith says. "Okay, thank you."

Dave & Amanda's House
8:00 a.m.

Amanda got up a few minutes ago, and went to take a shower then get dressed. Once she was dressed she made the bed then checked her phone. There was a text from Dave.

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