18. Grandparents Babysit

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Discipline: Dave/Cody (M/M) Timeout & Hand | Dave/Eden & Elliot (M/F & M) Warning

It's now Sunday night, and Kennan and Skylar are getting ready for there date. Dave and Amanda should be here any minute. There bringing Cody with them since they don't want him to stay alone. It's only up the driveway, but they would feel better if he was at the house with them.

After Kennan is ready, he goes upstairs to get the twins. Just as Skylar is finishing up her makeup, she hears a knock on the door. Skylar opens the door to her mother-in-law, father-in-law, and brother-in-law. "Hi, please come in!" Skylar smiles. "Hi honey. You look beautiful." Amanda says, giving her daughter-in-law a hug. "Thank you ma'am." Skylar smiles.

"Hi Cody." Skylar says. "Hey." Cody smiles, and gives Skylar a hug. "How have you been?" Skylar asks. "Fine." Cody says, shrugging his shoulders. Skylar gives him a small smile. "Well, I'm sure this wasn't your plan tonight. But, Kennan has his play station in our room if you want to play on it, I'm sure he wouldn't mind." Skylar says. "Thank you." Cody says, giving a small smile.

Kennan comes down with the twins a minute later. "Grandpa! Grammy!" Eden says. "Hi kiddos." Dave smiles, and gives both his grandkids a hug. Skylar goes back to the bedroom to grab her purse, and get her shoes on. Kennan follows her into the bedroom a few seconds later. "By the way, I gave Cody permission to play on your play station." Skylar tells Kennan. Kennan nods, "Alright, I'm sure he didn't want to come over here anyways, I think he's had a tough week at school." Kennan says. Skylar nods. "You ready my lady?" Kennan asks. Skylar laughs, "Of course." Skylar smiles.

Skylar and Kennan go back into the living room to say goodbye to the twins. "We should be back by ten, and they usually go to bed around eight." Kennan says. "Should we give them baths?" Amanda asks. "We already did, but thank you." Skylar says. Once they say goodbye they leave.

"Can I go play on Kennan's play station?" Cody asks his parents. "We're going to have dinner first, then you can." Dave says. Cody sighs and nods. "Knock off the attitude." Dave warns. "I just sighed!" Cody yells. "Okay, but I don't want you sighing at me, okay?" Dave says. "Yes sir." Cody says, looking down. Dave pulls Cody into a hug. "I love you buddy." Dave smiles at him. "I love you too."

"I'll go warm up the pizzas we brought." Amanda says, and Dave nods. "Can I help Grammy?" Eden asks. "Of course, sweetie." Amanda smiles. Recently Eden has been calling Amanda, Grammy, Amanda doesn't mind it though. Amanda thinks it's cute, the nickname she came up with.

Amanda preheats the oven, then Amanda grabs out the pizza pans, and unboxes the pizzas. The pizza isn't cold, but Amanda figured she could warm them up a little bit. Eden helps Amanda put the pizzas onto the pans. Then Amanda puts the pizzas into the oven. "They only need to stay for a few minutes, then I'll get them out." Amanda says.

Meanwhile in the living room with Dave, Cody, and Elliot. "Cody.." Elliot says. "Yeah?" Cody asks. Elliot makes a pouty face at Cody, Cody immediately knows what that means. Cody picks up Elliot, and sits Elliot in his lap. Recently, Elliot has been really close with Cody. Elliot always wants to be around Cody.

About ten minutes later, the food is all done, and the boys had set the table. Everyone sits down to eat once everything is on the table. Dave and Amanda brought a cheese and pepperoni pizza, so the classics.

Once everyone has finished eating, everyone does there part in helping clean up. Eden helps Amanda and Dave put the leftovers in the fridge, while Cody and Elliot put the plates into the dishwasher. Once everything is cleaned up, they head into the living room. "Can we watch a movie Grammy?" Eden asks. "Sure honey, pick one out." Amanda says. Dave turns the television on to get to the movie selection. "Can I go play now?" Cody asks. "Sure bud." Amanda says, smiling at Cody. "Can I go to?" Elliot asks. "Sure." Amanda says. Then Dave, Amanda, and Eden sit down for the movie she picked out. Eden ended up picking out 'Snow White', it's one of her favorite disney movies.

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