7. Return of Old Friends

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Discipline: Jennifer/Lexi (F/F) Hand | Amanda/Cody (F/M) Hand | Kent/Lexi (M/F) Lecture | Dave/Cody (M/M) Lecture & Belt

Today is the day that Jennifer and Lexi are coming over. Lexi is very excited to hang out with Cody, after so long. Jennifer is also happy, her and Amanda will be able to spend some time together.

Cody and Lexi only really had just the one playdate. They've talked at school but after that year they weren't in the same class. But now that they're in middle school, they have multiple classes together. So they have reconnected, and are friends.

It's about two in the afternoon right now, and they're supposed to be here around two-thirty. Dave decided he would spend the day at his parent's house, since he hasn't spent quality time with them in a while.

Amanda walks up to Cody's room to make sure he cleaned it, like he said he would. Amanda knocks on his door and a few moments later he opens. "Is your room all cleaned?" Amanda asks. "Yes ma'am." Cody says. "Good. Well, your dad's about to leave so come say bye to him." Amanda says. "Yes ma'am." Cody says and follows his mom downstairs.

Dave's grabbing his keys, wallet, and phone, and putting them into his pocket when Amanda and Cody come downstairs. "Hey bud, have fun today okay?" Dave says. "Yes sir, thank you." Cody says. Cody gives his dad a hug before he leaves. And a few minutes later Jennifer and Lexi show up.

Amanda opens the door for them, and has them come in. "Please come in!" Amanda smiles. "Thank you." Jennifer says. "How are you Lexi?" Amanda asks. "I'm good Mrs. Emerson, thank you." Lexi smiles. "That's good, well you two can go in the backyard or in Cody's bedroom." Amanda says. Lexi nods and then they head outside. "Hi!" Amanda smiles and gives Jennifer a hug. "It's so nice to see you!" Jennifer smiles. "Agreed. Would you like a drink?" Amanda asks.

The two moms head into the kitchen to get drinks and snacks, then sit down on the patio outside, while the kids play. "So, how have you been? Still just you and Lexi?" Amanda asks. "We've been pretty good. Actually it's a long story." Jennifer says. "I'm happy to listen, if you want to talk." Amanda smiles. "Well, I started using the punishments you suggested and it was working well."

"Then a few months after the play date, I met this guy. Kent, he's a retired Marine, and we got on really well. And well, now we're married, so he's Lexi's stepdad." Jennifer says. "That's great! So they get along well?" Jennifer asks. "Yeah, real well! I think it helped it happened when she was younger. And he's pretty strict so it was easier to get the discipline under hand." Jennifer adds. "That's great. You know, kids can't get away with bad behavior." Amanda says.

Speaking of bad behavior..

Cody and Lexi are on the swings, just casually swinging and talking. "So, your siblings moved out?" Lexi asks. "Yep, it's just me. Juliet went to college and Kennan lives right down there with his wife and kids." Cody says. "That's nice, how old are they? Not very old I assume?" Lexi asks. "Actually, they're six years old." Cody says.

Lexi widens her eyes. "Six? I thought that was when your brother graduated?" Lexi asks. "Yeah, it is. Skylar, his wife actually got pregnant in there last year of school." Cody says. Lexi makes a face. "What?" Cody asks. "It's just, that means they were teen parents!" Lexi says.

"Yeah, but they're great parents!" Cody defends his brother and sister-in-law. "You don't have to be defensive! I was just saying!" Lexi says. "Yeah, whatever." Cody says and gets off the swings, walking away. "Cody!" Lexi yells after him. "Leave me alone!" Cody yells. Amanda and Jennifer are alarmed, by hearing the kids fight.

"Cody, stop!" Lexi says grabbing his arm. Cody turns around and pushes Lexi to the ground. "Stay away from me! And my family!" Cody yells at her. Lexi sits on the ground, making a hurt face.

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