24. Big News

135 5 13

Discipline: None

It's the next day, and Chloe and Hayden are going to her parents house. Hayden has met Adam and Christine before, but he wants to make a better impression on them, than the first few times. Chloe and Hayden have been dating for a year, but have only been to her parents a few times. Hayden's parents are divorced, his mom lives in Florida, hours away. He rarely sees her, he goes to visit a few times a year. His dad owns a ranch that he lives on, and Hayden works at, as it is a family business. Hayden has his own apartment, with a male, german shepherd named Rex. Hayden was never spanked growing up, but Chloe has told him her family is very pro spanking. Hayden doesn't have anything against that though, he doesn't disagree with spanking, he's just never received one.

Chloe and Hayden are going over to her parent's house for lunch, then staying for a few hours to hang out. It's about eleven now, and Chloe is getting ready. Hayden is going to pick her up in about twenty minutes. "Hey." Juliet says, as she walks into Chloe's bathroom. "Hey. You going to see your parents?" Chloe asks. "Yeah, I figured I'd go since you'd be out of the house too." Juliet says. The past few days Juliet has felt a tension with her cousin, and doesn't know why until now.

"I actually need to talk to you about something. It doesn't have to be now, but I'd like to soon." Chloe says. "I have a few minutes." Juliet says. "So I've been talking with Hayden, and he wants me to move in with him." Chloe says. "Oh. Oh, okay." Juliet says. "We've been talking about it for a while, and we feel it's the right time since the lease is almost up." Chloe says. "Yeah sure, that makes sense." Juliet says. She's trying not to cry, and is forcing the tears down.

"I know we put a lot of time into finding the perfect apartment, but I feel like this is what's right for me and Hayden." Chloe says. "Yeah, I mean you have to move on sometime." Juliet says. "Yeah exactly, you understand right?" Chloe asks. "Yeah." Juliet says, looking down. "Are you mad?" Chloe asks. "Nope. I gotta go." Juliet says, leaving. "Wait Juliet!" Chloe tries. "It's fine, just go live with your boyfriend!" Juliet yells, running out. As Juliet runs out, she runs into Hayden. "Hey Juliet." Hayden smiles. Juliet doesn't say anything, just runs to her car. "Is everything okay?" Hayden asks. "No, I dropped the bomb that I'm moving in with you." Chloe says, sighing. Hayden nods in understanding.

A few minutes later Juliet gets to her parent's house, she doesn't need to be here for another half hour. So she goes to Kennan and Skylar's first, she knocks on the door. Skylar opens the door, and Juliet instantly falls into her arms, and sobs. "Hey, what's wrong?" Skylar asks, rubbing her back. Juliet breaths out slowly and walks into the house. "I-I." Juliet tries. "Here, drink this." Skylar says, handing her a glass of water. "Thanks, where's Kennan?" Juliet asks. "Upstairs with the kids." Skylar says. Juliet nods, and drinks some of the water.

"Chloe's moving in with Hayden, soon. She said since the lease is almost up, and that's in like a month." Juliet says. "Oh Juliet, I'm sorry. I know you loved living with her." Skylar says. "Yeah, I just feel like everything will be different between us now." Juliet sighs. "That's understandable, but you can still be close even if you don't see each other every day. This shouldn't change your relationship." Skylar says. "I guess." Juliet says shrugging her shoulders. Skylar gives her a sympathetic look, "So what's your plan, going to get a roommate?" Skylar asks. "Definitely not." Juliet says. Skylar has to laugh at that, and Juliet smiles at her. "I'll either find a smaller apartment, or move back in with my parents. I know Cody would like that." Juliet says. "He sure would, he just came over for dinner last night." Skylar says.

A minute later Kennan comes down with the twins for dinner. "Hey." Kennan says, hugging Juliet. "Hey." Juliet says. Juliet explains everything to Kennan, that she just told Skylar. "Oh, I'm sorry Jules." Kennan says giving her a sympathetic look. "So, what's your plans?" Kennan asks. "Not sure, either find a different apartment or move back in with mom and dad." Juliet says. Kennan nods, "I think Cody would like the second option more." Kennan says. Juliet nods, "Yeah, I know." Juliet says. Kennan gives Juliet another hug, a comforting one. "I should probably get up there." Juliet says.

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