22. Bonding Time

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Discipline: Kennan/Elliot (M/M) Scolding & Hand

It's the next day, and early Saturday morning, and it's currently eight in the morning. Skylar will be going to dinner with her mom tonight, and Mark plans to come over. Elliot is in the living room watching some television.

Kennan woke up a few minutes ago, and came to start some coffee for Skylar. On his way, he sees Elliot watching some television. "Elliot, what are you doing?" Kennan asks. Skylar and Kennan have certain times when they let the kids watch television. They don't want them sitting at it all day, every day.

"I wanted to watch it daddy." Elliot says. "You know you have certain times when you get to watch it. Turn it off, and come into the kitchen, young man." Kennan says. Elliot rolls his eyes, and turns it off. Kennan can't believe he's acting like this, this early on.

"Sit." Kennan says, pointing at the counter seats. Elliot sits down without any attitude, thankfully. "Is your sister up?" Kennan asks. "No." Elliot says, being short with his father. As Kennan gets the coffee started, Skylar comes into the kitchen. "Morning boys." Skylar smiles. "Morning babe." Kennan says, and kisses his wife.

"Eli, what's wrong?" Skylar asks. "Nothing." Elliot says, with some attitude. "I told you to drop that attitude. I'm this close to putting you over my knee." Kennan scolds. Elliot yet again rolls his eyes at his father. "That's it!" Kennan says, and grabs Elliot's arm. "No! Stop!" Elliot yells, thrashing around.


"OWIE! NO MORE!" Elliot cries out. Kennan lets go of his son, and he instantly covers his bottom. "Are you going to behave, or do I need to go get my belt?" Kennan asks sternly. Elliot doesn't say anything, just looks down. "That wasn't rhetorical, young man." Kennan says. "No sir, you don't" Elliot says. "Come here bud." Skylar says. Skylar rubs Elliot's back for a few minutes, trying to calm him down. "I'll go wake Eden." Kennan says.

After a few seconds Elliot lets go. "What happened with your dad?" Skylar asks. "I was watching television, because I woke up early. Then gave him some attitude when he told me to turn it off." Elliot says looking down. "I won't say you didn't deserve that, because you were being pretty disrespectful. But I understand you just wanted to watch something." Skylar says. "Why don't you go change, while I start on breakfast." Skylar says. Elliot nods and does as told.

Kennan heads up to Eden's room, and she's still sound asleep when he walks in. Which is rare for her, she must have been very tired from yesterday. "Eden." Kennan says, as he slowly rocks her awake. Eden slowly opens her eyes. "Hi daddy." Eden says. "Hi sweetheart, it's time to get up." Kennan says. Eden nods, and gets up, getting ready.

Kennan leaves her room and is about to head downstairs, when Elliot stops him. "Dad." Elliot says. "Yes bud?" Kennan says. "I'm sorry for having an attitude with you." Elliot says. "Thank you." Kennan says, and gives him a hug. "I love you daddy." Elliot says. "I love you too." Kennan says, and smiles at him.

Kennan heads back downstairs and Skylar is making some breakfast. She's doing something easy, eggs and bacon. Once it's all done, Kennan sets it on the table, while the kids set the table with dishes.

They enjoy a nice breakfast, Elliot and Eden squirming a little bit. Eden wanted to ask her brother what happened, but decided to wait till after breakfast. After breakfast every does there part in helping clean up. "Eden, me and your mom need to talk to you." Kennan says. Eden nods, and they all go into the living room. Whereas Elliot heads into his room.

"Go ahead and sit." Kennan says. "So, we wanted to explain your grounding." Kennan says. Eden nods along. "You will not be allowed to watch television, or go to the park during your grounding. Your only going to be grounded for a week, but we will add to it if we feel necessary." Skylar says. Eden nods along, "Yes ma'am." Eden says. "That applies when your with your grandma too. If Elliot or Cody want to go, then you will sit next to her while they play." Kennan says. Eden sighs, but nods. "This may seem cruel, but it's your punishment." Skylar adds. "And it's only for a week, if you behave." Kennan says. "Yes sir." Eden says.

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