21. 3 Years Later

197 6 15

Discipline: Amanda/Eden (F/F) Scolding | Kennan/Elliot & Eden (M/M & F) Scolding | Kennan & Skylar/Eden (M & F/F) Scolding | Kennan/Eden (M/F) Belt

It's now three years laters, a lot has changed in the past three years with everybody. All of the family's are still together, and the grandparents are still doing good in retirement.

Adam and Christine's lives are still the exact same. Chloe finished college two years ago, and now has a steady job as a Biological Scientist, in a lab. Both of her parents are very proud of her.

Chloe also has started dating a man named Hayden, he's a few years older, 27, so about three years older.  They've been dating for almost a year at this point. Chloe is heavily in love with him, but her parents make sure to tell her she needs to stay focused on work at the same time.

After Chloe's last year of college, Juliet decided to finish college online, it would be cheaper anyways. Instead of Juliet and Chloe moving back home. They decided to get an apartment together. They both had been saving money up, because they had jobs while in college. They reviewed a lot of apartments, and decided on a decent size, two bedroom, two bathroom. Juliet does her classes during the day, and sometimes has to go to a training center since she has to do physical stuff, then has a night shift at the restaurant she works at.

Dave still works at his office, and Amanda is still a stay at home mom. Cody is now fifteen, and starting his Freshman year, which he is very nervous for. But, Kennan and Juliet have been giving some tips, and it's starting to soothe his nerves. Cody and Lexi are still friends, and are as close as ever.

Kennan, Skylar, and the twins still live by Dave and Amanda. And plan to, they don't plan on moving. Kennan and Skylar both still have the same jobs. Eden and Elliot are now nine, and in the third grade. They both have adjusted well, and are still going to the private discipline school. Eden has become pretty outgoing, and has some made some good friends. Whereas Elliot is still pretty shy, he has came out of his shell a little bit though.

Mark and Ruby are still doing good as well. Skylar and Ruby have been fixing their relationship a little bit at a time. Every other Saturday night, Skylar and her mom go out for dinner. It's a good thing to get them bonding and talking. Usually on those nights Mark comes to have dinner with Kennan and the twins, or Kennan and the twins go to his parent's house for dinner.

It is now mid June, so the kids are on summer break. Usually the twins stay up at Dave and Amanda's, with Amanda, because both Kennan and Skylar have to work. Amanda was nice enough to offer to watch her grandkids during the day, so they wouldn't have to go to daycare at the police station.

It's around noon, so lunch time. Amanda decided to make some corn dogs, corn, and strawberries for lunch. Amanda had the twins set the table, while Cody got drinks, and Amanda got the food on the plates. Then they ate a delicious lunch. After lunch everyone helped clean up in some sort of way.

While cleaning up Cody asks, "Mom, could I go to the park to hangout with Lexi?" Amanda shakes her head. "Nope, not today. After your brother and sister-in-law, are done at work they're coming for dinner." Amanda explains. "Please, just for a few hours. I'll be back for dinner." Cody pleads. "Let me think about it." Amanda says. Cody nods, "Thank you."

After cleaning up, the twins ask if they can go to the park. Amanda decides they'll go, because then Cody can go with them to see Lexi. And he won't find himself in trouble for being late. "Sure, go get your shoes on, while I get Cody." Amanda says.

Amanda walks up to Cody's room, knocking before walking in. "Hey, the twins want to go to the park so you can go with us and see Lexi." Amanda says. "Really? Great." Cody smiles. Once Cody gets his shoes on they head downstairs, then to the park. It's only a few minute walk, so doesn't take long. "You kids have to hold my hand." Amanda tells the twins. Elliot holds onto Amanda's and Cody's hand, whereas Eden doesn't do the same.

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