8. Scares & Sibling Problems

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Discipline: Patricia/Amanda & Adam (F/F & M) Lecture & Hair Brush | Dennis/Amanda & Adam (M/F & M) Lecture

A few minutes later the EMT's arrived at Dennis and Patricia's house. Patricia stayed next to Dennis the whole time, checking his pulse, and it was racing.

When the EMT's arrived, Patricia had to get out of the way, so they could help Dennis. "Is he going to be okay?" Patricia asks, scared. "We're doing our best ma'am." One of the EMT's says.

After a few minutes they bring Dennis onto a gurney, and take him out to the ambulance. Patricia quickly grabs her purse before locking the house. "Are you going to ride with him ma'am?" The same EMT asks. "Yes." Patricia says. The EMT helps Patricia get into the ambulance then they start driving to the hospital.

"He should be okay ma'am. I'm not a doctor but it seems like something minor." Another EMT says. Patricia nods. "Thank you." Patricia says thankful.

"Will there be a phone at the hospital? I need to call my children." Patricia asks. "There will be, but go ahead and use mine." He says and hands his cell phone to Patricia. "Oh, thank you." Patricia smiles. Patricia dials Adam's number first, hoping he'll pick up.

Adam & Christine's House

"Babe. Your phones ringing." Christine yells from the kitchen, as she's getting the food set on the table. Adam walks into the kitchen, grabbing his phone, to see a number he doesn't recognize. "Who is it?" Christine asks. "Not sure." Adam says. Adam answers the phone to ask who it is.

Adam: Hello, who is this?

Patricia: Adam, it's mom, your dad collapsed, we're on the way to the hospital, please call your sister.

Adam: I-I-yes ma'am. Is he okay?

Patricia: The paramedic says he should be. But I'm still worried.

Adam: He'll be fine, mom. He's strong. I'll call Amanda and we'll be right over.

Adam quickly hangs up with his mom and calls Amanda. "What's happening?" Christine asks. "My dad's in the hospital, we need to go." Adam says grabbing his keys and wallet. Christine widens her eyes, grabbing her purse.

Amanda: Hello?

Adam: Hey, it's Adam. Mom just called and said dad's in the hospital. We need to get down there.

Amanda: What? The hospital?

Adam: Yeah. She said the paramedics think he'll be fine.

Amanda: O-Okay I'll see you down there.

Adam: He'll be fine.

Adam and Christine hurry to his truck and start driving towards the hospital. When they arrive at the hospital, they hurry into the Emergency Room to ask for Dennis Watson.

"Hello. How can I help you?" The receptionist asks. "Hi, My father, Dennis Watson, was brought here." Adam says. "Let me look." She says. "It looks like they just got here, and they're checking on him. Why don't you go sit and I'll let you know when you can see him." She says. Adam sighs but goes to sit. He's had a lot of history with hospitals, he was in the army, so there were accidents frequently.

Amanda & Dave's House

After Amanda got off the phone, she breaks down in sobs. Dave quickly runs over to his wife. "Amanda, are you okay? Who was that?" Dave asks. Cody looks over at his parents, scared. "It's my..dad..he's in the hospital." Amanda says between sobs.

"Shh, it's going to be okay." Dave says, trying to calm her down. "Cody, go get your shoes on, and grabs your mom's purse, my wallet, and my keys." Dave instructs. "Yes sir." Cody says and runs upstairs. "It's going to be okay honey, he's a strong man." Dave says rubbing her back.

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