chpt 1: the box

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[greenies pov]

I woke up, water escaping my lungs.
Alarms are blaring so loud I can't even hear myself think. Im in a mesh cage that is moving up at a steady pace. I start freaking out. My heads filled with questions I can't answer like... Who am I? Where am I? What's going to happen? Am I going to die?

I start to panic even more than I was before, I look around me to see if I can make sense of anything that's going on... There's supplies? Like wood, string, food, and farm animals. 'Where the fuck am I going!?' The lift, or box, whatever the fuck I'm in is moving even quicker.

Okay now I'm really freaking out I struggle to stand up and the speed rocks the cage. I look up and I'm met with a red light that is coming closer by the second. "Hey, hey!! Help me!!!"

it stopped? The red lights lit the box and then it switched to green lights..

it went black.

Suddenly, light flooded the box I was in. My eyes struggled to adjust to the shear brightness that met my eyes. Eventually, my eyes did adjust and I looked around to see boys stood there looking at me and laughing, why were they laughing?

"Ok, go get him."

Someone starts to creep closer to me and jumps down into the box.

"Day one greenie, rise and shine"

The boy lifts me up from my collar and chucks me on the ground. Everyone is starting to laugh now. I don't understand why, all I know is I need to get out of here. And I need to get out of here now.

"Kid looks like a slopper to me"

"I could use some help in the kitchen"

I hoist myself up and push through the crowd of boys surrounding me and start to run. I hear a boy shout "Hey we got a runner!!"

But I don't look back, but it does make me question... what's a runner? Im still running but then my ears start to ring, everything goes silent. I can feel the breeze all over my face as I run, I have to say I'm a pretty good run-

I fell. I tumbled over my own foot, every single person who was watching me is now laughing at me falling. But I don't care?
I look up from nearly having a mouth full of grass and there's walls that are literally over 100ft tall.

"Take it all in. You'll be here along time."

This place is mapped with walls covered in vines, questions start to enter my mind and I feel like an absolute wreck. I want to cry but if I do I'll probably be laughed at or some shit. This makes me freak out even more. Next thing I know is four boys grabbing me and then throwing me down into another cage type thingy. The door shuts and then someone locks it and they're all snickering as they jog away.

"He's all yours."

What the fuck does that mean. Then, a boy round about 18 came to the doors of the cage and greeted me with, "Hey."
I think I'm going to need a-bit more than that. He stares at me and then says,
"Hey there, Green Bean. You're not gonna run again, okay?"

I had a feeling I wasn't supposed to answer that, so I didn't. "Good." He replied to himself, then he unlocks it. "My names Alby. Can you tell me anything about yourself? Who you are, where you came from? Anything at all?"

I'm sat there trying to think, waiting for the answers to appear. But they don't. "No" I say in a whisper. "Can you tell me your name?" Ably asks, "No. I, uh... I can't remember anything. Why can't I remember anything?" I say visibly panicking. "It's okay. Hey, relax. Relax. It's normal" he tries to calm me down. But what about this is normal? "It happens to us all."

'Well that gives me some sense of relief' I think sarcastically. "You get your name back in a day or two. It's the only thing they let us keep." He says, actually giving me a sense of relief. "What is this place?" I ask curiously.

"Let me show you." He says with a smirk on his face.

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