chpt 19: the grievers

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                              [y/n's pov]

Thomas and I are running hand in hand, we are at the front of the squad. He manages to be keeping up with me fine -surprisingly- All of the gladers that decided to escape with us were following, looking around the maze. Most of them have never dreamt of going behind these walls, and now they're all through them hoping that we will get out of here.

Words of encouragement were spoken from Thomas, Minho and I, letting the rest know we were nearly there. When we weren't even close. But it seems to work, everybody is keeping together and I strongly believe we can have a life worth living out there.

I notice that Newt was slowing down as his limp was restricting him from running at his real speed, I look at Thomas while unwinding our fingers and give him a little smile. He smiles back. I start to slow down so I am running next to my brother.

"Wow, you really need to keep up man." I say, immediately regretting it, as I was one of the only people who know how he got the injury. I look at him hinting a sad smile.

"It's okay, I know you're only joking don't worry, plus we are getting out of here!!" He says trying to lighten the mood.

"Well.. I mean hopefully. For all we know this could lead us to our gruesome death." I say, not really helping the situation but I needed to talk to someone about it. And newt was the perfect person to talk to.

"Really positive, sis. Maybe next time say it louder so Chuck can hear you?" He says sarcastically.

"Alright I'm sorry but I just don't know how this'll work out. We don't even know what's down there, Minho Thomas and I looked at it once and when we did. We all nearly died." I announce actually louder than I meant to, I look up to see everyone starting at me.


"But I do have hope and we will get out of here no matter what, together. And if we don't I will happily sacrifice my life for any of you." I say to everyone and they all just laughed. I had a feeling, something was going to go wrong. I don't know when, but I know.

"Right let's just stop talking, yeah?" Minho says while glaring at me.

"Oh fuck off. I was speaking to Newt." I say back.

"Well I'm sorry, but you were shouting. So maybe next time you want to have a private conversation whisper, don't announce it to the whole group, okay?" He says letting out a soft giggle.

"Hmm.. I'll bear that in mind for next time. Thank you Minho, doing god's work you are." I say and he just stuck his tongue out and ran up to Thomas.

Occasionally Thomas would look back at me, not in the worried and concerned way, not in the checking in on my way. It was a disappointed and confused face, and I don't know what I've done to deserve that. Surely my speech wasn't that bad.

"Don't beat your self up about it. It's probably nothing, he's just making sure you aren't dead." Newt says also noticing the looks, but this wasn't a good look. It was a bad look and I've never seen it before.

                      [Thomas's pov]

For some reason, I wanted y/n to know I was mad at her. I wanted to know what happens between her and Gally and why she was hugging him. I kept on looking at her and just staring, but I felt bad every time I would turn around I would see her face go from happy to panic.

"Keep it up guys, we are almost there!" Minho says encouraging the group behind us.

We reach the secret room.

This could be our escape or this could be our last breath. But we can make it out, I hope. We all stand behind this wall, hiding from anything we may face. I peer round the corner of the wall and see a griever. It's guarding the exit of this hell whole.

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