chpt 20: the escape?

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                         [thomas's pov]

I'm holding y/n close to me, after being dragged down into darkness. I know we had our 'fight' but there is no way i'm letting go of her now. We are all sat in pitch-black not knowing what to do. When all of a sudden a bang echos through the tunnel, then a light floods through.

It was Teresa. She opens the door, letting even more light in. Blinding us. We all follow her out, y/n shoved me off her giving me a look, I don't know what look it was but I don't think it was good. I was the last one out, we are stood in this large hallway, lights flickering and buzzing.

"Well I guess this is it. But which way do we go?" Y/N says addressing the whole group.

We start walking in one direction in hope that something happens. Something good. We come to a door, marked with the words exit.

"Seriously?" Frypan says making everyone laugh.

"That's the best they could do?" Minho says letting out a little chuckle, adding to the laughter.

I step forward towards the door and grab the handle. A subtle alarm could be heard from inside this mysterious room as I walk in, a hand grabs mine. I know it's y/n's, funny how she's grabbing me now. I don't let go, I actually glance her a smile instead and she glanced one back, with a look of sorrow in her eyes. I nod at her letting her know it was okay. But after this is all over, I do want to speak to her.

As I push the door open, we are all faced with fog, like a blanket shelling our eyes from what's a head. Then I look to the left, a dead body with a trail of blood going down the wall. To the right there's a room, blocked by glass. Two bodies are sat under sheets with blood pouring out their stomachs. We travel further down the corridor and are met with two more dead bodies, one holding a gun and the other dressed in scrubs.

"What happened here?" Minho asks.

"Like we know." Y/n snaps back. This time not in a jokey manner, and then turns to Minho and pats him on the back, whispering something in his ear, probably a sorry.

We enter a whole lab room, it looks way too familiar, I look at y/n and she's already looking at me. Thinking the exact same thing. There's dead bodies everywhere, sparks falling down from machines and glass shattered. Y/N walks up to a desk with a computer letting go of my hand. I go to the one next to her. Then I realise, this is where we used to work y/n next to me. And Teresa directly opposite, I look up in the direction of where she used to sit. She's already stood there staring at me.

"So they were watching us." Newt says very angrily, staring at a screen with an image of the glade on. "This whole time."

As I turn back around I notice a big red button on my panel. I press it and I screen turns on. A female voice is heard.

"Hello. My name is Dr. Ava Paige. I'm director of operations of the Worlds Catastrophe Kill-zone Department." WCKD, it's WCKD, "If you're watching this, that means you've successfully completed The Maze Trials. I wish I could be there in person to congratulate you...but circumstances seem to have prevented it. I'm sure by now you must all be very confused, angry, frightened." She says.

"Not far off." Y/n says interrupting it. Trying to make light of the situation. Making everyone smile.

"I can only assure you that everything that's happens to you, everything we've done to you, it was all for a reason. You won't remember, but the sun has scorched our world." Images of the sun and the outside world start to play, "Billions of lives lost to fire, famine. Suffering on a global scale. The fallout was unimaginable." Now pictures of dead bodies scattered around are played, along with a man marked with black veins, screaming.

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