chpt 31: the first day in the desert

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[3rd person pov]

The bunch of teenagers have just narrowly avoided the creatures, finding a place to hide. It wasn't great, but it was better than nothing. They hid under a rock, hollow inside. Rubble was scattered beside them completely disguising their hiding place. They were tightly packed together, out of breath from the escape they've just made.

Y/n and Thomas are sat together, waiting for exhaustion to take over. There was a comforting silence, peaceful. Everyone else was asleep. They were the only ones awake.

"Hey, y/n?" Thomas whispers.

"Yes, Tom." She replies back, croakily.

"How'd you get all those bruises?" He asks, gently tapping his finger against her skin.

"They just wanted to know some stuff, but I didn't tell them. So.. you know." She says back in a whisper. "But don't worry, it's fine." A tear forming in her eye.

"Y/n, it's not fine. No where near fine actually. You're completely covered in bruises, blood and cuts." He says back turning to face her.

"Don't worry the bloods not mine. It's that stupid twats, I think his name was, Chester. Yes that was it." She declares proudly.

"Oh! Well what did they want to know." He asks.

"Tom, I don't mean to be rude but I'm really tired. Is there anyway we can talk about it later. I need to tell Newt massive news tomorrow and I don't know what to say." She says back.

"Yeah of course, I can't believe your mum is Ava Paige and your dad— well step dad- hmm.. old step dad, is Janson! That's crazy." He says trying to secretly spark a new conversation.

"Yeah, it's not something I'm proud of, anyways. Goodnight Tommy, I love you." She says pressing her lips on his cheek.

"Goodnight, I love you to the moon and back." He whispers.

                                 * * * *

Thomas wakes up, looking down to see y/n resting on his chest. He looks around a bit, taking in his surroundings. They aren't the prettiest but at least it's not WCKD.

A tussling sound projects through his ears. His eyes follow to where the sound is. It's a crow, looking through their bags, pecking at a plastic bag.

"Hey! Go away!" He shouts, gently placing y/n in the ground. But while he shouts he wakes up the majority of the people.

"It's so bright." Y/n says, squinting her eyes.

Minho just throws his head back on the rock it was resting on previously. Everyone is so tired but they have to keep moving if they want to get anywhere.

"Are they gone?" Newt asks Thomas who is currently stood up inspecting the surrounding area.

"Yeah, I think we are safe for now." He replies back, receiving a nod.

"For now." Y/n says, letting out a chuckle of hopelessness.

"Okay, well. We should get moving." Teresa states.

"Aris, come on. Fry, Winston. Let's go." Y/n says shaking the three boys.

Winston attempts to get up. He does get far, he's stopped by a shooting pain coming from his stomach. He lets out a groan and a big deep breath, before trying to get up again.

"Hey, man." Fry says, leaning down and holding his hand out to hold. "You okay?"

"Never better." Winston replies sarcastically.

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