chpt 10: the night run

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                            [y/n's pov]

Grievers are screeching in the distance, The maze already starts to change, me and Minho look at each other knowing it will be a long night, if we even survive it. Last time I survived was because I was there with no distractions, my only thought was to survive. I don't have to worry about Minho, he knows this place like the back of his hand. But I had an unconscious body to take care of and Thomas who asks millions of questions. I don't know if we are going to get out of here alive.

I get up, then helping Minho to hoist himself up. "Uh, okay, all right, help me get him up." Thomas says.

"We gotta go. The maze is already changing." Minho argues

"We can't just leave him here, you know that." I argue

Next thing I know we're all carrying Alby on our backs, Minho and I are in agony and pain from running all day and the extra weight on us really doesn't help our situation. We carry on walking and eventually we meet a dead-end.

"Okay, just sit him down." I suggest. So we do we place him down gently against the wall.

Grievers are screeching and it's deafening.

"This isn't going to work. We gotta go, we gotta go!" Minho says with sorrow in his voice.

"Wait, what are you talking about? We gotta do something. We gotta hide him." Thomas argues.

"Where?!" Minho says frustratedly.

"I don't know. Minho just think. You're telling me there's not a single place we can hide him?"

I roll my eyes and let out a puff, I know he just wants to help but it's really making me stress out.

Minho gets so angry and grabs him by his shirt. "Listen to me, shuck-face, all right? Take a look around. There's no where to go." He screams in Thomas's face.

"Minho? Get off him." I order.

"Sorry Thomas. But you don't get it. We are already dead." He apologises instantly filled with regret.

Thomas just looks around and I see something catch his eye.  It's one of the maze walls and it's covered in vines. I know exactly what Thomas is thinking. Minho and I look at each other... we are tired and have already used all our strength and energy to get here. How on earth can we pull this off?

We are all heaving Alby up the wall of vines and it's actually working! Minho looks round the corner and sees a massive griever, I see it too but I choose to ignore it.

"We gotta go, we gotta go."

"No, no, no."

"We have to go right now."

"Just a little more and we tie it off."

"Minho stay with us, okay?" I say trying to persuade him to stay.

"I'm sorry y/n, I'm sorry greenie." Minho says as he lets go and runs off into the maze.

That causes me and Tom to swing to the ground, we are trying to keep Alby up and we find an opening in one of the maze walls. Thomas slid in first then so did I.

                        [thomas's pov]

We are so close together. I feel safe next to her... but then that sensation is interrupted by metal feet clashing on the floor. Y/n and I are both still holding on to the vine that is holding Alby up. I use my free hand to cover her mouth, making sure no noise escapes from her.

The griever passes and y/n begins to get out. I pull her back but she just says, "it's ok, we have to go." She gets out and grabs the rope from my hand and begins to tie it off. I stand on the look out ready to protect her from anything. I hear the griever and nudge y/n like she didn't already hear it.

The knots tied. Alby is safe. But we aren't, the griever is coming back and it's not going to leave us alone. I drag y/n behind the wall so we are hidden from the griever. Luckily, it goes down the other section.

We back into a corner, as we hear more Grievers coming our way. Y/n steps in this gooey substance and her face is riddled with disgust. "Ew what the actual fuck." I look up and see her and almost start laughing.

Her face changes from a smile to a petrified  expression, I feel something drop on my shoulder. "Tom run." Y/n says dragging my arm as I look up to see a griever above me.

It's horrifying, it's like a spider mixed with a scorpion as it has a tail marked with a stinger. It has a green face with huge eyes that are closed? Millions of teeth and lots of slobber. I'm distracted by its ugliness... meanwhile y/n is lifting me up holding my hand. Our fingers our intertwined. All though, we are running from our death, warmness fills my heart. It could be love, or it could be the feeling of sick rushing up my body.

"Come on Thomas!!"

"I'm trying! Trust me, I don't want to die."

"Then you shouldn't have ran in here in the first place!!!??"

She has a point.

We divert down a corner loosing the griever, but to our luck, it appears right in front of us again. Chasing us like we're it's pray. We both carry on running away trying to get this monster of our tails. We run into a dead-end.

"Oh shit. Shit, shit, shit." I say.

"Right run up there, you're gonna have to jump the wall." She says.

"Are you actually crazy, these walls are over 100ft tall and you want me to jump it?" I say in shock.

"Not that one you idiot, that one." She points to a cul-de-sac of walls that are basically the same height as me, round about 172cm. It's possible, but hard.

The griever is right behind us and we run at the wall and manage to pull eachother up with all our might. We are jumping wall to wall and the griever is right behind. We reach a wall and if has a cut off, we both nearly fall of it. I start to turn back but the griever is behind.

"Do you trust me?" She says to me.

"Of course I do." I reply

"Okay. Jump!!!" She says giving me to time to react so I'm being dragged with her.

"AHHHHH!!" We both yell.

We grab the vines, keeping ourselves up. And the griever comes right at us jumping into the wall trying to stick its stinger into me.

"Of course this stupid thing can fucking fly." y/n said, now I would normally laugh at that. But I am more disturbed by the fact a monster is tying to sting me.

The weight from the griever out ways the vines and we all start to fall. We hit the ground and my chest takes all the impact, I can't breathe. But I'm more focused on the fact that y/n is still lying on the floor. I help her get up and thankfully she's conscious.

We run towards the wall, and we collide with something. It was Minho, making me nearly shit myslef.

"You're both fucking crazy." Minho says as y/n and him hug.

I clear my throat, "I don't want to disrupt this bonding time but right now, we have a fucking monster chasing us."

"Oh shit, cmon, follow me!" y/n says pulling me along, holding my hand again.

"The maze is changing y/n, go left!" Minho yells. And she does exactly that. "This sections closing we can loose it down here!"

Minho and y/n start to run. But I stay put, I have a plan in my head, it could kill me but it's worth the risk!

"Thomas! What are you waiting for? Get out of there now!!" Y/n screams at me.

"Thomas come out what are you doing!?" Minho also screams.

"COME ON!!!" I yell at the griever enticing it to run at me, like bait.

It's starts to chase me as I'm running down the section that is about to close. The walls are moving at a vast speed and I don't know if I'm going to go splat.

"Come on!!" Minho yells.

"Thomas, do not look back, just run." Y/N instructs me to do.

"Move it Thomas, come on!!" Minho encourages me.

"Move your ass!!" Y/N also says.

the maze runner (thomas x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now