chpt 8: the sleepless night

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[thomas's pov]

I can't get back to sleep for the life of me. Everyone else is asleep apart from me, i'm bored out of my brains and so tired. I don't know what to do, when y/n's hut catches my eye in the darkness of the night. An idea pops into my head... whether i should act on it I don't know. After some thinking, something I don't often do, I decide to make my way over to her hut.

A small fire is on, lighting the glade; I could somewhat see where I was going. I'm trying to be as quiet as possible. I don't want to wake anyone up, especially the runners. Even though I'm just about to knock on one their doors, 'this is stupid' I tell myself. But her words from earlier are stuck in my head replaying in the exact same way. I'm nearly at her hut now...

The nerves set in and I'm starting to regret everything.

Fortunately, I didn't turn back. I kept on walking towards the hut door, and I stood there. My nerves are definitely getting the better of me. I ignore them, I need to 'man' up. I raise my hand to knock on the door. Before I have the chance to knock, it opens.
Y/N standing there. I don't know what to say, I probably look like such a creep.

"Oh hello, Thomas. I was just about to go over to your hammock, I couldn't sleep either." Y/N said in a whisper, also trying not to wake anyone up.

"Oh that's so weird?! Sorry I should probably go back." I say returning the whisper.

"Are you sure, do you want to come in?"

"Oh, actually yes I would love to come in!"

As I walk in, it's actually not as messy as I thought it would be, yes some clothes here and there, but that was really it. I hear the lock of the door and turn around to see y/n locking it.

"Well you're welcome to sleep here if you'd like." y/n offers, "There is only one bed, but if you don't mind sharing, then that's fine." she follows up.

"No I don't mind, unless you do?" I say making sure she knows it's fine if I sleep on the floor.

"I don't mind at all, Tom." She says with a slight giggle. "I don't want to sound rude, but could you turn around for a sec." She asked politely.

"Of course." I know why she wanted me to turn around, she was getting changed. I know it was wrong but I peer my head over my shoulder slightly and see her in a black bra, with some black underwear on. I quickly turn around, I don't wanna be seen staring her. "You done?" I ask.

"Yeah, you can turn around now." She was getting into bed, it was a king sized bed so there was plenty or room for both of us. I take off my shirt, leaving my sweatpants on. Then I climb into the bed joining her.

There was a silence, but not an awkward one, just a nice silence. I soon broke that, "Y/N? Did you mean what you said earlier?" I questioned.

"What saying I love you?" She asked, slowly turning around to face me. I nod in reply to her question. "Yes, Tom, yes I did mean it."
She says. Sparks of fire works fill my stomach and I probably turn red, but since it's that dark, I don't think she saw.

I don't know what to say after that. All I know is that I want to kiss her... so I do. I shuffle closer to her and our lips become centimetres apart. Suddenly, y/n and I are kissing, properly. Her hands are entangled in my hair and my hands are on her back. I make my up to her bra strap and pull away from her as we are kissing. She gives a nod of approval, I'm trying to unlatch the straps, but I can't. I'm so embarrassed right now..

She just looks at me and laughs, and then reaches behind her back undoing it for me.
I start to laugh, I can't stop, I have no clue why. I start to take my sweatpants off, I'm perfectly capable of doing that my self.

*you know what happens next 😉*

[y/n's pov]

I wake up with Thomas's hands wrapped around my waist. I love it, I love him. I know I haven't known him for long but I feel such a strong connection, maybe we knew eachother before the maze? I don't know but the sun is about to rise and I need to get up. How can I get out of bed without walking him up.

The right side of the bed is plastered on the wall, and coincidentally I'm sleeping on the right side. The only way out is to climb over his lifeless body. I'm in his t-shirt, my memories from last night are all coming back to me. I was actively putting my left leg over his torso and planted it into the floor. I then start to bring right leg over. He wakes up. I'm straddled on this boy and he decides to wake up. What the actual fuck do I say??

"I'm so sorry, this is the only way out of the bed!" I say apologetically moving my right leg over him. He grabs my right leg and places it back down.

"It's fine n/n, I actually quite like it." He says with a smirk on his face. I start to laugh and turn bright red. He pulls me in for another kiss,"Oh, I forgot I gave you my shirt, it looks good on you. Maybe you should wear my clothes more often." He follows up also laughing.

There's a loud pounding on the door. A familiar voice is heard. Shit. It's Minho's, if he finds out Thomas stayed the night, I won't hear the end of it.

"Shit. It's Minho, hide under the covers." I whisper in Thomas's ear giving him a kiss on the cheek as-well. He does it without hesitation. I run over to my door and unlock it, opening it to see Minho stood there. He looks me up and down and then raises his eyebrows.

"That's Thomas's shirt, isn't it?" Minho says in surprise and peers into my room, to see a hand hanging out of the covers. Minho looks back at me... "Hmm.. Thomas? You can come out now." Minho says encouraging him.

Thomas slowly moves the covers to show his face, Minho again looks back at me and says, "you are never going to hear the end of this, you know that right?" Yes, yes I did know that.

"Oh just sod off, I need to get changed." I say with my British accent shining through. He leaves and I go back into the room locking it. I pull out some dark, forest green cargos and a skin tight black top. I start to get changed, at this point I don't even care if Thomas is watching, I'm starving and I need to hurry up to go run. My hair looks a-bit greasy so I put it into a slick black ponytail with a plait coming off it.

"Cmon Thomas, we have to go to the food hall!" I say in urgency, knowing that Minho has probably told Newt. Tom gets changed, fairly quickly and we both leave my hut in a hurry.

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