chpt 33: the campfire

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                       [y/n's person pov]

We decided to stop for the night, it had been a long day of just walking. Well and reminiscing about Winston, no one really said a word to each other. Apart from the odd 'are you okay' from someone, checking up on the group.

We managed to create a fire to keep us warm, and keep the creatures away. Newt had found a perfect place to settle for the night, it had some shelter and it was hidden. Aris and I are collecting wood to bring back to the fire.

"I thought we were supposed to be immune." Minho says, breaking the uncomfortable silence.

"Not all of us, I guess." Teresa says, again staring the obvious.

"If Winston can get infected, we should assume so can the rest of us." Newt says.

"I never thought I'd say it..." Frypan begins to say, "I miss the glade."

"Me too, man. It didn't seem like much then. But we were safe, we had our family, our routine. Now we just have to pray we aren't going to die as the days go on." I say, it sounded a little bit morbidly than I expected. "But at least we aren't getting used at WCKD, or we aren't dead."

"I suppose." Newt says back.

"Uhh, y/n?" Thomas begins to say, I ignore the eye contact. "What happened with you back at WCKD?"

"Well, they took me into a room. Locked it, and basically beat me until they found out what they wanted to." I say staring out the ground.

"What did they want to know?" Teresa asks.

"They were looking for a man called JJ, they thought since my memories came back I'd remember him, but I didn't. So I could tell them what they wanted to know..." I explain to them all.

"What else can you remember?" Minho asks me.

"Life before the maze, I remember all of you, well apart from you Aris." I say directing my attention to him. "We were all friends and we got along really well. I remember my dad, but he got the flare, turned into a crank and killer himself. I remember meeting Janson. I can remember being forced to work in WCKD and I can remember when my mum turned into an obsessive freak."

"Crank? What's a crank?" Fry asks.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry. It's what Winston would've turned into. You catch the flare, and then you become into a creature. That's called a crank."


"Y/n, can I talk to you for a second?" Thomas asks. How can I say no, without being horrible. I can't.

"Sure." I say, standing up.

We step away from the group and sit down, next to each other in silence.

[Thomas's pov]

"Are you okay?" I ask her.

"Never better, are you?" She says back, still not looking at me.

"Y/n, I'm being serious. What you said back there was kinda heavy, are you sure you're alright."

"Yeah, I'm sure. Are you?" She asks swiftly changing the conversation.

"Yeah, I guess so." I reply.

"I guess so? That means no, what's up?"

"I don't know, I haven't really spoken to you in ages." I say.

"Yeah, that's because you had her." She says, looking back at Teresa.

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