chpt 14: the injection

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                            [y/n's pov]

Thomas, Teresa and I notify Newt and Minho everything that has happened in the past 5 minutes, we all go to jeff and clint to tell them about the 'medicine'

"We don't even know what this is. We don't know who sent it or why it came up here with you. I mean for all we know it could kill him." Newt says to everyone showing his views on the matter.

"He's already dying. Look at him. How could this possibly make it any worse?" Thomas says arguing back.

"Cmon, it's worth a try!" Minho says.

I look to newt, I want to give Alby the medicine or whatever the fuck it is. But I feel bad, everyone is against him. I know he'll do whatever is right in the end. But he probably feels like he's being attacked. I try to cheer him up by giving him a hug.

"Thanks, what do you think we should do?" Newt asks me.

"The changing will kill him, we know that, right? If he even has a chance of surviving, I think we should do whatever it takes." I say answering his question. He gives me a nod.

"Alright, do it." He says.

Thomas walks up at the opportunity, he leans over Alby's shoulder. Alby is in visible pain, he's shivering, sweating, panting. Thomas looks at me wanting reassurance, I nod and pat him on the shoulder.

"Okay." He gets ready to inject the blue liquid into Alby. When all of a sudden, he wakes up. His eyes are jet black and he doesn't look like Alby. He jolts forward grabbing Thomas in his arms.

"You shouldn't be here. You shouldn't be here!!" Alby shouts in Thomas's face. I run behind Thomas ripping him away from Alby's grip. As I'm doing that, Teresa leans over to get the vile from Thomas. She pounces on Alby shoving the needle into him. And he instantly relaxes.

"Well, that worked." Jeff says trying to make light of the situation.

I grab Thomas's chest, "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" I ask him

"No don't worry, I'm all good." He says wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

"Okay, from now on, someone stays here and watched him on the clock." Newt insists.

A weird smell starts to flood the room, I look back and Gally is walking in; makes sense why it smells bad."Hey. Sundown, greenie. Time to go." He announces to Thomas, I forgot he had to go to the pit. This is going to be a long night.

Thomas looks around at everyone and then to me, he hugs me. And then kisses me on the lips?? We've never done that infront of anyone before. He pulls away and smiles at me.

"I think that is the grossest thing I have ever witnessed." Minho says, making everyone laugh, including Thomas and I.

"I couldn't agree with you more, mate." Newt joins in adding to the laughter. Thomas walks out and we all just stare at ably's lifeless body, he looks at ease, peaceful.

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