chpt 3: the walls

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                            [greenies pov]

"It's basically the same for all of us. We wake up in the box, Alby gives us the tour, then here we are." He starts explaining to me, I'm listening but I'm watching those walls like a hawk. "Don't worry, you're already doing better than I did. I shat myself 3 times before they got me out the pit."

I could barely hear him I was walking towards the wall, but whatever he was saying, I don't really think I want to hear. I could hear him running towards me, but I didn't care I kept walking towards the walls.
"Dude, where are you going?"

"I just wanna see."

"You can look around all you want, but you better not go out there."

"Why not? What's there?"

"I don't know, I just know what I'm told. And we're not supposed to leave or even go near those walls."

Then I see a girl, running out of the walls. Hold on a girl? For all I know there's only boys. She had h/c hair and e/c eyes, she was running at some speed towards us.
She ran up to chuck and ruffled her hand through his hair, "New greenie, huh chuck?" She says in a calming tone and surprisingly a British accent just like Newts, chuck nods indicating to me as if she didn't know I was the new 'greenie'.

She turns to me and sticks her hand out, I shake it. "Hey I'm y/n" she smiles, I don't know what to reply so I just say, "Hi, I don't remember who I am" She starts laughing and says, "Oh shit, sorry, I don't know why I always ask that. I never get an answer." "It's okay." I reply laughing but noticing that we are still holding hands. I quickly let go and turn a shade of red.

Then she looks back, two more people are running out of the forbidden place. She turns back to chuck and I and says, "Anyways I got to go! See you guys tonight?"
"We'll be there!" Chuck says excitedly

She smiles and then runs off. A blonde boy then runs by and says, "Hey chuck. How does it feel to be promoted?" Meaning that chuck was the last arrival.

"Feels great, Ben" he replied to the boy giving him a thumbs up and smiling. But the other boy who was following, did not break eye contact with me and stared at me like I was an alien.

"I thought you said no one was allowed to leave." I say more confused than ever.
"I said we're not allowed to leave. They're different, they're runners. They know more about the maze than anyone." He says. But the words 'maze' caught my attention.

"Wait, what!?"


"What? You just said 'Maze.'"

"I-I did?"


Now I'm walking up to the so called maze, I want to see what it's like and why no one is allowed in there except the runners. "Where are you going?" Chuck exclaims "What are you doing?" He follows up with another question. "I'm just going to take a look." I say in a calm voice, but in reality I'm trying not to loose my shit.

"I told you, you can't. No one leaves, especially not now. It's not safe." He says all panicked, I pat him on the shoulder and say, "Okay, all right, I'm not gonna go." But I do, I start walking closer to the walls, still wondering what is so dangerous about them.

"HEY!!" Someone yells, before I have time to look at them, I'm being tackled and thrown to the ground. "We gotta stop meeting like this." The same boy who lifted me out the box shouts with his foot on my chest. I kick him, stand up and say, "Get the fuck off me."

"All right, calm, calm, calm."

"Hey, don't touch me!" I shout causing a scene and evryone starts to run up to me and this guy. "Woah take it easy, just relax."
He says after hustling me to the floor? Im sorry but it's kind of hard to relax after that.

"What the hell is wrong with you guys?!" I shout in their faces.

"Just calm down, all right?" Newt then says to me.

"No? Okay. Why won't you tell me what's out there?"

"We are trying to protect you man." Alby replies

Following up by Newt saying, "It's for your own good."  "You can't just keep me here!" I say frantically. "We can't let you leave." Alby says getting frustrated. "Why not?" I ask.

The walls started to rumble and a gust of wind carrying dirt, leaves came rushing out.

I stare in utter disbelief and confusion, "What the hell."  Then the walls started to rumble again and the sound of machinery drowned out the place. All of a sudden, the walls began moving towards each other. And then they close sending a massive bang echoing across the, i don't know what to call it.

"That's why, that's why we can't let you leave." Y/N says while patting me on the shoulder.

"Next time, I'm gonna let you leave." The boy who shoved me to the ground said.

And I heard someone's voice in my ear, "Welcome to the glade."

And then everyone dispersed out into the glade and acted like it was completely normal.

the maze runner (thomas x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now