chpt 4: the bonfire

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[third person pov]

Wooden sticks are alit with fire, and thrown into a pile of sticks, wood and paper so it catches fire. Everyone starts cheering and then they start to chant, "Gladers!" Over and over again. People are dancing and some are creating music with the utensils brought up by the box.

The new greenie and newt are sat behind a log staring into the glade. "Hell of a first day, greenie." Newt breaks the silence. The greenie just nods and looks down in disappointment.

Newt notices and hand him a drink. "Here, put some hair on ur chest." "Oh!! Eww." The greenie spits out the drink in disgust and that makes newt uncontrollably burst into laughter. Coughing the greenie says, "Oh my god, what the fuck is that?!" Newt still can't compose himself and is still laughing but manages to explain, "I don't even know, It's Gally's recipe, It's a trade secret." They both look towards his direction to see him fighting another glader. "Yeah, well he's still an asshole." The greenie says.

"He saved your life today, you know. Trust me the maze is a dangerous place."

"We are trapped here, aren't we?"

"For the moment, but you see those guys over there, by the fire? Those are the runners and that guy in the middle, that's Minho he's the keeper of the runners."

The greenie was looking at Minho but then caught a glimpse of Y/N sat next to him talking and laughing.

"Now, every morning when those doors open, they run the maze mapping it, memorising it, trying to find a way out."

Y/N has now noticed that the greenie was staring at her and she starts to make her way over. The greenie notices and turns around instantly

"How long have they been looking?"

"Three years." Newt says, knowing the flow of questions that he will be asked.

"And they haven't found anything?!" The greenie says is disbelief and frustration.

Y/N then appears hearing the last bit of their conversation and buts in. "It's a-lot easier said than done, you know." She says almost letting out a little laugh. "Listen," Newt says while y/n sits down and the greenie sits in silence. The maze started to do that odd rumbling sound.

"Hear that?" Newt asks

"That's the maze changing. It changes every night, meaning in the morning there's a new pattern to run." Y/N then finishes off explaining. And then says "Anyways guys I've got to go and prepare for my fight with Gally, see you later!"

The greenie and newt both say bye in unison.

"How's that even possible?" Another question leaves the greenies mouth.

"You can ask the people who put us in here if you ever meet the bastards." Newt whispers.

"The truth is, the runners are the only ones who really know what's out there. They are the strongest and the fastest of us all. And it's a good thing to because is they don't make it out before those doors close, then they're stuck out there for the night. And no one has ever survived a night in the maze."

"What happens to them?"

"Well, we call them Grievers. Of course no one has ever lived to tell about it. Apart from y/n, she's the only one that knows what is out there during the night."

"Who is y/n?"

"She was just with us.. you don't remember her?"

"No I do, but like why is she the only girl?"

"Well y/n came up in the box nearly 6 years ago, she is my sister. She came up 2 people after me and we soon pieced two and two together and realised we are related. She is the strongest and the fastest and mabye even the smartest out of all us, that is why she survived. But Gally doesn't like the fact that she's the fastest or the strongest. They used to be friends but then something happened between them. They both don't talk about it, the only time they interact are either in the council house during arguments or the fights at the bonfire. She always wins though, they've fought 52 times and y/n has won every time. Gally just can't take the hint. But we don't know why she's the only girl but she's one of us and we treat her like we treat everyone else."

The greenie just absorbed all the information about this girl and didn't have time to ask anymore questions and newt jumps in and says, "Right, well, that's enough questions for one night. Come one. Listen your supposed to be the guest of honour, seriously come on. Let me show you around!"

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