chpt 28: the midnight mall

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[y/n's pov]

We were running through the night, the sand was covering our faces. It was incredibly hard to keep my eyes open. It was freezing. We were in a desert for fuck sake, why is it so cold?

We are faced with dreadful sand dunes, we have to climb it and somehow hide in this emptiness. From behind I can hear shouting and lights are starting to turn on.

"Fan out!"

"We have to catch them."

"Yeah, Janson will have our asses if we don't."

We are running up the steep sand dunes, but slowly we have to resort to crawling up it.

"All right, come on! Keep going!" Thomas shouts from next to me, holding my lower back.

"Oh shit, quad bikes. They've got quad bikes." I say, there's no way we are getting out of this alive.

"It's okay, we'll outrun them!" Minho says sarcastically.

"Haha. Funny." I say bluntly.

"Oh slim it you two!" Newt hisses.

"Come on, go! We'll loose them in the storm!" Thomas encourages, pushing me up the hill.

We are lying behind the tip of the sand dune, Thomas is peering over the top.

"Are you trying to get us caught!" Frypan says dragging him down his t-shirt.

"Sorry, I need to see where they're headed." Thomas replies.

"Okay, come on this way!" Teresa shouts, we all start to follow her.

"Stay low, stay low." Thomas says.

"Teresa! Hang on, we need to stay together!" I scream at the top of my lungs. She's so far ahead running down the sand dune, quickly disappearing into darkness.

"I think we lost them!" Winston shouts in excitement.

"Where are we even going?" Minho shouts in annoyance.

"God knows." I reply.

We reach a glass building, a small opening in the side of it. Shards of glass are barricading the entrance but Teresa decides to go in there anyway.

"No, Teresa don't go in there!" Newt shouts, she completely ignores him.

"Get down here!" An indistinctive shout comes from below.

Minho crawls through the hole, following by newt then Aris. It was my turn. I try to manoeuvre myself in a way that wind gets me sliced and diced from the glass. But I tripped. "Ow- oh my fucking god!" I whisper gripping my hip. A shard of glass cut my side deeply. It cut right over one of my many bruises.

"Fuck, y/n. Are you okay?" Newt asks me.

"Yeah, don't worry. It's just a cut." I say, reassuringly.

Minho grabs a flashlight and starts to investigate what we have just ran into. It's indescribable.

"Where are we?" Minho asks.

"We gotta go." Thomas says waving his hands around.

"No! Thomas, stop!" Teresa shouts. "Tell me what's going on."

"It's WCKD, they lied to us. We never escaped." Thomas says, I feel blood trickling down my side, there's a lot. I take my self away from the situation, slump myself next to a wall. "Me and Aris, we found bodies. Too many to count."

"What do you mean? Dead bodies?" Minho questions.

"No but they weren't alive either. They had them stung up. Tubes coming out of them. They were being..." Thomas hesitates,"They were being drained. There's something inside of us that WCKD wants, something in our blood. That's why we need to get as far away as possible."

"Okay. So, what's the plan?" Newt asks, praying that Thomas has thought this through. "You do have a plan right?" He says, swallowing a lump in his throat.

"Yeah, about that.." Thomas begins to say, but is immediately interrupted by newt.

"Well, we followed you out here Thomas. And now you're saying that you have no idea where we are going, and what we are doing?" Newt says, frustratedly.

"Shit." I say, I start to breathe heavily, slightly panicking that I may bleed out. I'm sorry but that cannot be the way I die. I need to be cool, like being shot, or eaten by monsters. I rip a bit of material from my joggers I was wearing. I tied it around my side and stood up. I feel so light headed. I feel myself lean to the side, but something stops me from falling. Someone stops me.

"Just a cut? Next time try be more convincing." Minho says softly wrapping a hand around my back, applying more pressure to my wound.

"Oh shut up." I say back.

"Hey, what happened?" Thomas asks me.

"I tripped over, glass cut me. Don't worry I'm fine." I say, giving him a small smile.

"Wait, Janson said something about people hiding in the mountains. Some kind of resistance or army." Aris says.

I never want to hear the words, 'Janson' or 'Ava' ever again.

"The right arm. If they're really against WCKD, mabye they can help us." Thomas says.

"People. In the mountains. Mountain people. That's your plan?" Newt says in utter disbelief.

I completely cackle, I've never laughed like this before. But something about newts face, the way he worded it really got me. But soon I notice no one else is laughing, so I shut myself up.

"That's the only chance we have." Thomas says, edging (not in that way😭) closer to newt.

There's tension between the two, they're just stood there, staring at eachother.

"I ship." Minho says, happily.

"That's my brother and my boyfriend Minho. You can't ship them!" I say back giggling.

"I'll do whatever I want cupcake." He says, the word 'cupcake' instantly making me cringe. I can tell this is going to be his new thing, calling people outrageously weird nicknames.

"Ew, what the fuck. Never call me that again." I say, very seriously. Obviously, he knows I'm joking I'm not mad. But I'm being serious. It's hard to explain.

"Okay sorry, cowgirl." He says, continuing his laughter.

I shove his arm off me, give him a death stare. Just as he thought I had calmed down, I launch myself at his body, tackling him to the ground.

"Guess she really is a cowgirl." Minho says, still laughing.

"Okay, now you just made it weird." I get off him, help him up. But then I slap him around the face, "Next time I'll punch you so hard, all your teeth will fall out." I say, I'm not joking.

He cracks a smile. He would look so weird without any teeth.

"No you can't, my teeth. They're like the second best thing about me." He says.

"Oh honey, there's nothing good about you." I say winking.

[thomas's pov]

Okay, I know they're just joking. But it's seems so flirty. And I can't hide my jealousy. Y/N obviously noticed and she starts to walk towards me. She grabs my shoulder and leans into my ear. She goes to whisper something.

"Don't worry Tommy, the only thing I'll be riding is—" She begins to say, but is cut off.

"Hey guys!?" Winston says, staring at the ground.

Everyone's attention is directed at him, but I want to know what y/n was going to say. There's a lot of things she could... you know? I snap myself out of it and focus.

"Minho, give me a light!" Winston demands.

Minho crouches down beside the boy, holding his flashlight down to the floor.

"Footprints." I say.

"Someone's been down here." Winston says shortly after me.


A/N- Hey guys! I really hope you're enjoying the story so far. I'm sorry this chapter ends weirdly but hopefully the next one will be better!

Thank you so much for reading x

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