chpt 5: the fighting

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[greenies pov]

Newt drags me by my forearm and lifts me up. As I look around I can see y/n and Gally fighting. Y/N is clearly winning and I watch and smile as she punches him in the gut.

"Over there we have the builders, very good with their hands, but not a-lot going on upstairs" newt says ponting to his head.
"And then we have Winston. He's the keeper of the slicers. And we got two med-jacks, Clint and Jeff."

"Oh, hey. What's up?" Clint smiles.

"Yo, Newt." Jeff followed.

"They spend most of their time bandaging up the slicers." Newt giggles

"What if I want to be a runner?" I say.

"Have you listen to a word I just said? No one wants to be a runner. And besides you gotta get chosen."

"Chosen? Get chosen by who?"

I get knocked over, and see it was Gally who fell on me. Y/N looks up to see I've fallen after she shoved Gally out the circle and offers me help up. I take it. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hit you." She says, "It's okay don't worry!" I make sure she knows it's not a problem.

"Gally, Y/N come here!" Alby says as he stands in the middle of the circle of the fighting arena. "The winner of this fight is..." He grabs Gally's right arm and y/n's left arm. He then lifts up y/n's arm in excitement and screams...

"Y/N!! Winning for the 53rd time straight." Y/N then turns to Gally and says, "You hear that, I've won 53/53 times maybe you should up your game." Gally stares in annoyance and then says "Whatever, I'll win someday!" "In your dreams!!" y/n replies in laughter also causing the crowd to laugh with her.

Gally then looks at me, "Huh? What do you say, greenie? Wanna see what you're made of?"

A chant then starts, Jeff was the one who started it off, "Greenie, Greenie, Greenie!" Eventually everyone joins in. Apart from Newt, Y/N and Minho who's now stood in between newt and y/n.

I didn't want to fight anyone, but the pressure got to me and I was then pushed into the circle. "Okay. All right. The rules are simple, greenie. I try to push you out of the circle. You try and last more than five seconds"

I then hear a British, female voice shout, "That's easy, you got this greenie!!"

"Oh shut up, you may be stronger than me, but he mightn't." Gally replies to y/n

I look over to her and smile as she gives me a nod of approval and good luck.

"Take it easy, Gally." I hear a boy shout.

"Ready?" Gally says before charging at me and shoving me into a group of boys, who then push me back into the circle. Gally grabs me and chucks me into the ground, I get a mouthful of sand, I start coughing and trying to get rid of the gross taste.

"Cmon greenie, we aren't done yet." Gally says enticing me.

"Stop calling me greenie!"

"Stop calling you that? What do you want to be called? Shank?" Everybody erupted into laughter. "What do you think boys? Does he look like a shank?" I charge at him managing to get a hold of him, then I'm knocked to the floor again. Luckily this time it wasn't face first so I'm not eating sand.

Minho and y/n exchange a look of disapproval, knowing Gally is just trying to assert his 'power'.

"You know what, I think I've settled on shank." Gally says, I'm now visibly angry and annoyed. I charge at him again and this time I managed to throw him to the ground giving him a mouthful of sand.

I look up and see Minho raise his eyebrows in surprise. "Yeah, there you go, greenie." I hear Alby exclaim.

"Not bad for a bad for a greenie, huh?" I say getting ahead of myself because I was then whipped to the ground and all my head taking the impact of my fall. Everyone was in shock and 'booing' gally.

I mutter "Thomas." And look around and shout, "Thomas. Hey! Thomas! I remember my name. I'm Thomas!!" Alby points at me and says, "Thomas!!" And the crowd was cheering and clapping, even shaking my hand.

"Welcome home, Thomas." A boy said to me. Gally then looks at me and shakes my hand, "Good job, Thomas."

Then a screech reached all the way over to us and then it growled. The sound was coming from behind the walls. "What the hell was that?" I question. "That, my friend, was a griever." Gally said to me, "Don't worry, you're safe here with us. Nothing gets through those walls."

"Alright guys, let's tuck it in for the night. Cmon it was a good night." Alby instructed everyone, and everyone seemed to listen.
Y/N, Newt and Minho all walk up to me, "Well done Thomas, it's not often someone knocks down Gally in the first fight." Y/n says shaking my hand, "Yeah, I have to say that was pretty impressive greenie." Minho says while newt gave him a nudge and said, "I think you mean Thomas." all four of us were laughing and then y/n said, "anyways Minho and I have to go to bed, and I get my own hut all to myself. While you guys have to sleep in a hammock." She teases, she gets her own bed as she's the only girl.

Everyone exchanges a goodnight but I'm still staring at y/n's arm pulling Minho away. I don't know why but that makes me feel, jealous?

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