chpt 32: the goodbye

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                            [y/n's pov]

We reach the top of the steep sand dune, and look into the beautiful landscape. There's an array of ancient, abandoned ruins dotted sparsely in the sand. It was oddly quiet, no animals, no people, no nothing. The sun was scorching down cooking us like a bonfire back in the glade.

God i miss that place.

"Look! It's the mountains!" I say in thrill.

"Yeah that's where we are going!" Thomas says, joining me in excitement. But he's been too caught up with Teresa to even be considered my boyfriend anymore.

"That's a long way off." Newt says.

"Then we better get moving." Thomas and I say at the same time. He looks at me, smiling. I look at him, then straight back at the floor in defeat.

We start to move forward, taking a tiny step. Suddenly, Winston gave plants into the floor, taking a mouthful of sand. I rush over, everyone following.

"Winston, oh my god." I say, crouching next to his lifeless body.

He's gasping for oxygen, practically begging to breathe.

"Winston!" Minho yells in desperation.

"Oh shit!" Thomas says.

"He's hurt pretty bad." Teresa says, completely stating the obvious.

"No shit, he just collapsed for god's sakes." I say in anger, she's really got on my nerves. The snarkey comment she made to Thomas really got to me.

"Okay, Jesus. What do we do?" She asks, turning from me to Thomas.

"Uhh- i don't know." He says back.

"Of course you don't." I say standing up, looking around for some ideas. Something catches my eye, there's some supplies that could help. I start walking away to gather them.

"Hey, where you going?" Newt says.

"Back to WCKD. Where the fuck do you think?" I scream back, I'm so overwhelmed right now and people asking stupid questions aren't helping anybody.

"What the fucks gotten into her?" I hear Minho whisper.

[3rd person pov]

They all manage to conjure a stretcher to hold Winston on. Fry and Minho are pulling his weight up mountainous dunes. Teresa and Thomas are walking together, of course, Newt is walking with Aris and y/n is behind them all, walking slowly.

A storm was brewing, the wind was picking up. Chucking tiny shards of sand into their eyes. "We need to find shelter!" Minho says to the group.

So that's what they did.

[y/n's pov]

I finish setting my bag up, so I start going towards the group. Thomas is standing looking out into the horizon, while everyone else is sat in a circle in pure silence. I sit down.

Minho passes me his drink, offering me some.

"Thanks." I say bluntly.

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