chpt 22: the others

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[third person pov]

All the boys headed off to the right, to enjoy a proper shower, and the girls to the left. There were showers in the glade but they weren't that great. This had heat, the water wasn't straight from the freezing pond, it was fresh, steamy hot water.

After their showers, they headed off to get some tests done, so they could be properly evaluated before heading to the main hall.

All the boys were in these stations, they rotated once in a while so everyone got a chance to go to all the sections. Meanwhile, Y/N and Teresa were no where to be seen.

[Thomas's pov]

I'm sat in the chair, waiting for my Dr to come. I'm looking everywhere for y/n and I can't seem to find her anywhere. I'm looking through all the sections and it's just the boys. I overhear Newt talking to a Dr.

"Uh, what is that?" He asks as the doctor approaches with a huge needle with some contents inside.

"Just a little cocktail, Calcium, folate, vitamins A-Z. Pretty much everything you've been deprived of out there." He says smiling at him and slowly injecting the liquid into his arm.

Maybe they actually do want to help us.

Over to my right, Minho is jogging in a treadmill, loving life. He is being monitored for his breathing, speed and distance. The entrance door flings open. My head whisked to the sound, but it wasn't y/n or Teresa it was two doctors, a female and a male.

The male made his way towards me, started taking some blood. He kept on taking more out, definitely more than he needed. "Sure you got enough there?" I ask him hastily.

The man ignored me and turned to the women, "Evening Dr. Crawford." He said loudly.

"Good evening, how are the new arrivals holding up?" She says in return.

"So far, so good." He says answering her.

Then the door opens again, it's y/n. Her hair is still wet from the showers, she looks majestic. Behind her is Teresa. I try to get up and go see her, but my doctor stops me. She's talking to a doctor pointing to the curtain where Dr. Crawford has just disappeared behind. She starts making her way down the aisle, smiling at Newt, Minho, and then me. Teresa just looked at the floor ignoring the lot of us.

"You must be y/n." Dr Crawford says to her.

"Yep, I was told to come see you." She says.

"Yes, I have been expecting you. All though your late." Crawford says back.

"Women's problems. Sucks right?" She says rolling her eyes.

The curtain shuts.

[y/n's pov]

The doctor closes the curtains blocking my sight from everyone.

"So y/n, my name is Dr Crawford and I will be your doctor for today. You said something about women's problems.. your period?" She asks me.

"No not exactly, that was just an excuse I was enjoying the hot water you guys have." I say back letting out a laugh.

"So you haven't got your period yet?" She asks me, a bit personal.

"Well I have, but not this month yet." I say in a panicky tone.

"Follow me now." She says with all seriousness.

I stand up and follow her out, trying to keep up with her face.

"Why is that a problem?" I say looking around to see men everywhere.

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