chpt 7: the banishment

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                         [Thomas's pov]

Y/N grabs my arm and says, "cmon the med-jacks are busy, I'll patch you up." She pulled me aside and we started walking towards the medical hut.

I can still hear ben shouting and screaming, "They did this, it's all their fault. They should be the ones being locked up. Not me!!"

Y/n seemed to ignore it just fine but those words kept on replaying in my head and i couldn't stop hearing it. She told me to sit down on the chair, so I did. "So where does it actually hurt Tom?"

She said, Tom, a new nickname I kinda like it. "Well I mean my wrists and my head hurts but other than that, I'm okay!" I say all flustered.

"Okay that's not so bad then, here" she grabs my hand and grabs a cream? I don't know what it was.

"Hey, what's that?" I ask.

"it's a soothing cream." She replies,

"How do you know what all this stuff is, I thought you were a runner." I ask another question.

"Wow, you ask a lot of questions, don't you?" She says giggling. "Well before the maze opened I used to be a med-jack and after my night in the maze I stayed in here for a while, so I was around a lot of cuts, bruises and stupid people." She lets out another chuckle.

"Woah, so you're calling me stupid?" I say laughing softly.

"Well I told you to run away, and you stayed. So maybe you lack some brain cells."

I stare at her she's laughing, and so am I, she looks at me and starts to bandage up my arm, she's perfect. The way she talks the way she looks and with everything she does. 

There's some tension as she realises that I'm staring at her. I could tell what was about to happen as we moved closer to each other's face.. before I know it we are kissing. Her hands are in my hair and my hands are around her waist embracing everytime she kissed me.

I heard movement from outside, so did she, we both pulled away at the same time, "We should probably get back, I have to get ready." She says a-bit disappointed.

"Wait, ready, ready for what?" I ask another question, I really need to stop doing that.

"For bens banishment.."

                           [y/n's pov]

All the others and I are stood around the maze walls with wooden 'T' shaped poles in our hand waiting for Minho to bring out Ben from the pit. I stare at the floor with tears beginning to pool in my eyes, I love Ben with all my heart, I have spent every single day with him for 3 whole years and I hate to do this, but it's the only way.

He's been stung it's too late, he's dangerous. But his words sunk deep down and are embedded into my brain, how could this be Thomas's and my fault, there's no way it can be. My thoughts are interrupted by Ben and Minho making their way towards us.

"Listen to me! Please, Minho. Y/N I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, any of it I swear! Alby listen, don't do this."

I get ready to lower my pole towards him, and decide I can't do this, I walk away and give my pole to Alby, even though he already has one, he knew that he should just let me leave.

So I did I walked toward Chuck and Thomas, with tears in my eyes I looked at Thomas. I stood next to him and his arm rested on my lower back, we both looked at each other smiling. Tears started to fall even faster and I looked down at Chuck, he was on the brink of crying.

the maze runner (thomas x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now