chpt 29: the separate room

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[3rd person pov]

They start to investigate the abandoned building. They have all collectively decided (after a long debate) that it used to be a mall. Minho and y/n have come across multiple rooms filled with supplies.

"Come on, open it up!" Minho says to everyone, signalling for them to help.

Everyone scatters to help, pulling the shutter door up. They are faced with a huge pile of clothes, bags, water bottles, torches. Everything you could ever need to survive these conditions.

"Looks like people lived here.." Minho says picking up some trousers.

"Where are they now?" Newt says optimistically.

"That's a good question, blondie." Y/n says patting him on the shoulder. "Well, they left everything behind so I guess we could take it."

"Yeah, let's pack some of this up. Take anything you might need." Thomas says, looking around at the table filled with ropes.

"Okay, well we'll definitely need clothes." Y/n announces before walking off into a separate room.

Thomas follows straight after the girl. They're now alone. Thomas shuts the door for extra privacy.

"Oh, shit you scared me." Y/n says turning around in panic.

"Sorry, uh.." Thomas begins to say, sceptically.

"Spit out Tom." Y/n says quite harshly. "Sorry, that sounded mean."

"No, it's okay. How's your side doing?"

"It's okay, thanks. I think the bleeding stopped but I just want to get out of here." Y/n remarks, rummaging through clothes.

She pulls out green cargos and a black skin tight top.

"I remember when you wore that, looks exactly like your outfit in the glade." Thomas says staring at the clothes.

"Yeah, it was my go to outfit." Y/n says letting out a chuckle.

"There was some bandages back there. You want me to go get some?" Thomas asks turning back.

"If you don't mind. Thank you." She says smiling.

"Course." He says, smiling back.

                                 * * *

"I didn't know how deep the cu—" Thomas begins to say. He walks in to see y/n standing in her bra and underwear. "Oh, I'm so sorry. I should've knocked." He says apologising profusely.

"It's nothing you haven't seen before, Tom." She says, slipping her leg into the cargo pant.

"I guess so." Thomas chuckles, "Anyway, as I was saying I didn't know how deep it was so I got the biggest ones!"

"Oh thank you." At this point she had the cargos pulled up, they were low rise so her belly was on show. "Can you put it on?"

"Yeah, just tell me if it hurts, okay?" Thomas says walking towards her.

Y/n moves her hair out the way. The deep, bloody cut was now on show.

                         [y/n's pov]

"Shit, y/n that's deep." Thomas says, running his fingers around my wound. A shiver runs down my spine.

"Mhm, I know Tom. It hurts like a bitch."

"Sorry, let me just-" He says, peeling the plastic back from the plaster. Revealing the sticky bit. He places it on gently.

I wince in agony, my wound starts to throb. I can hear my own heart beat. His eyes stare into mine; anyone could get lost in them. Meanwhile, his hand moves to my lower back, supporting me.

"I can't believe Jansons your dad!"

"Can we not talk about Janson right now, shank. I'd rather rip my own eyes out."

"Okay, sorry. There's nothing to talk about though."

"Well then..." I begin to say, I move closer to him, pressing my lips onto his, "let's fill the silence."

"Hmm, I see where you're going with this."

                               * * * *

I bring myself closer to his body. I can feel the heat radiating off of him. This time, he leans in for a kiss.

He then works his way down, stopping at my neck. He buries himself into the crook of my neck, sucking on my sweet spot.

"Thomas... it-it's gonna—" I manage to say, not forming a proper sentence. "It's gonna bruise, be careful." I say.

"So? Is there a problem with that, cowgirl?"

"Ew, the only problem of those words leaving your mouth. Never call me that again."

"What's the only thing you'll be riding? Huh? You didn't get to finish ur sentence."

"Oh, you know." I say shooting him a wink.

"Do I?" Thomas replies back.

"I mean, even I know." Minho says, staring from a far. "Also, don't call her cowgirl. That's my thing. And put a top on your freak."


I scramble to get my top on, slinging it over my body.

No way Minho just heard and fucking say that. Ew I'm never going to get over this, I can never speak to Minho ever again.

"Freak? That's bold coming from you." I say punching him on the arm.

"Oi, what do you mean?" He says softly.

"Don't play dumb. You were the one staring." I say.

"Yeah, dude that's actually pretty creepy." Thomas says, backing me up.

"Look I'm sorry i interrupted your make-out sesh, but incase you forgot. WCKD is still out to get us, and I'm in no hurry to go back there. So if you don't mind, mabye wait until a more appropriate time to do whatever the shuck you're doing." He says playfully.

"Just cuz you're gonna die alone, doesn't mean you have to disrupt my love life Min." I say.

"To far, y/n. Way too far." He says back dropping his smile.

"It's fine, you can always join y/n and I if you want." Thomas says, laughing.

"Aw thanks Thomas, but no." Minho says managing to keep a straight face.

"Okay! Well I'm gonna go look around, you coming." I ask both of them.

"Yeah!" They say in unison.


A/N: I'm so sorry this chapter is so shit, it was a filler one. I'm so tired and I couldn't be arsed to be completely honest. But tomorrow they'll be better hopefully!!

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