chpt 21: the new beginning

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[Thomas's pov]

I wake up from being violently shook by Minho screaming for me to wake up. I look to my right to see y/n sound asleep being shaken by Newt but not waking up so easily. I get rammed out of the helicopter by a guard, looking behind me to see y/n getting awoken. I realise I left my carving from Chuck. I run back to get it just narrowly escaping the grasp of some of the guards.

"We don't have time!"

"Come on, kid. Hurry up."

"What are you doing."

I hear some of them shout, I choose to ignore them. Y/N is waiting for me to come back, so we can run in together. Newt has already ran ahead.

"We have to go." She says to me, taking my hand.

I can hear inhuman screeches coming from the dark, mysterious night.

"Cranks! They're moving in!" A guard shouts.

Another shoves y/n and I towards this huge building marked with soldiers outside waiting our arrival. We manage to just run in before the doors close on us. They lock automatically. Im being dragged by y/n to the front of the group so we can get a good look on things.

People are working, and propping box's up high. A man swiftly walks towards us and greets us all; in a very welcoming manner.

"Hello, we've been expecting you. I'm guessing you're all hungry?" He says and everyone nods in agreement.

He takes us to a room that has a dinner table placed in the middle of it. It was filled with food. Lots of it. We all run to it, grabbing whatever we can. Stuffing it into our faces. Some of us haven't had a proper meal in 6 years, this was well deserved.

"Don't get me wrong Fry, you're food kept us going and was actually delicious at some times, but this. This is top tier!" Y/N says laughing, then causing everyone else to laugh.

"Thank you, I did try my best with what I was given." Fry says, laughing.

"Oh and you served!" Minho says, putting on an accent adding to the laughter.

"Yeah mate, we would've died with out you." Newt says chuckling to himself.

[Once they've all finished dinner..]

I move from my seat to sit down on one of the nearby chairs, I'm completely stuffed, the look of food makes my stomach churn. Y/N follows swiftly behind me, sitting next to me, staring at me. I can tell she's thinking about what to say.

"So.. you done giving me dirty looks?" She says staring at me in seriousness.

"So.. you done hugging people you hate?" I say clapping back, she almost looked surprised.

"Oh, you're mad about Gally. Why would you even be mad about him?" She asks me.

"I dunno, why would you even be hugging him?" I question all cocky.

"Well, if you're that interested. I did all the jobs before I was a runner except slicer, the boys thought I would hurt myself in the maze, even though they knew I was the fastest. When I was a builder, I worked alongside Gally. We started to get along really well. I considered him to be my best friend, but one day... he changed. I made one mistake, I accidentally cut my finger on a nail. It wasn't that serious but he got mad. Really really mad. He started screaming at me, throwing stuff and yelling in my face. Telling me how I'm not good enough, how I should just go and do one. I started to belive him." She says to me, I'm listening to every single word that leaves her mouth.

"So one day, before the maze doors closed, I managed to sneak out before anyone had noticed. I was out there the whole night with no intention of going back the next day. But when I was out there, I realised how much I wanted to live. And I fought and fought so hard, I managed to survive. When I came back, everyone was stood there waiting for me, hoping I would be out there. I went to the med hut and was left alone. When all a sudden, Gally ran in, drunk. He was saying how much he was worrying and I should never do that again. And then before I knew it, he struck me. Right in the face." She says with a single tear running down her face.

the maze runner (thomas x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now