chpt 16: the new section

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                          [minho's pov]

I wake up from my sleep just as the sun is about to rise. I walk over to y/n's hut to wake her up, ready for today's run.

"Y/N wake up man. We are already behind." I screamed at her in hopes to wake her up.

"Okay hold on, let me get dressed." She replied in a raspy voice.

I decided to wait outside her hut, instead of going to get Thomas. 10 minutes had passed and I was still waiting for this shank to be ready. A couple more minutes went by and still no sign of life.

"Are you getting ready, or not?" I ask in a desperate attempt to get her moving. And then suddenly the door opens.

"Have some patience. This doesn't come naturally."

"I had plenty of patience, your dumbass just took 13 minutes to get ready. And anyways who are you trying to impress, we are running, not having a fashion show." I say as we walk to the pit. "Hmm.. maybe Thomas has something to do with it."

"Oh shut it. I just like to always look my best. I can tell you don't give a fuck whether you look good or not." She says, making us both laugh, we reached the pit before I could say anything.

I crouch down and sigh looking at Thomas in the pit, holding back a laugh. "Big day greenie. You sure you don't wanna sit this one out?" I say joking with him.

"Come on, man. Get me out of here." Thomas says smiling.

Thomas, y/n and I are all running towards the walls, I'm supposed they haven't opened yet, we are late as it is. We all just stare at the wall, until it makes its usual grumble and eventually opens. Thomas and y/n are holding hands and I can't help but gag, they both looked at me and laughed.

"Come on then, what are you two waiting for?" Y/n says as she runs into the maze.

"Let's go." I say to Thomas shortly following her. We are all running now, y/n is considerably ahead minding her own business.

"This way, not much further to the inner ring." I say looking back at Thomas as her jogs behind.

                       [thomas's pov]

I'm running behind Minho, just managing to keep up, y/n is so far in front, I don't know how someone can run that fast. There's big numbers printed on the walls as we run through the "inner ring." I have no clue where we are going, so I just follow.

Y/N is waiting for us at the entrance to section seven, she's been there for quite a while. I can't keep on thinking about last night, we haven't had much time to talk, as Minho is here. But it's okay, because we both love Minho.

"That's strange." Y/n says talking to the both of us.

"What?" I ask

"Sevens not supposed to be open for another week. Right Minho?"

"Yeah, something is wrong." Minho replies.

We reach another enclosed area, there's metal objects that are petruding out from the ground, going all the way up into the sky. "What the hell is this place?" I question.

"We call them blades." Minho answers

Something catches y/n's attention and she starts sprinting towards something on the ground, Minho and I follow her.

the maze runner (thomas x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now