chpt 17: the attack

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                         [thomas's pov]

Minho, Newt, Gally, Fry, Teresa, Y/N and I are all making our way to the med-hut.

"Has he said anything?" Minho asks Teresa.

"No." She replies.

I get a good look at Alby, he is sat there, shirtless, arms folded, staring into space, rocking back and forth. Newt starts to approach him and begins to crouch down at Alby's knee.

"Alby? Alby, are you all right?" He asks. There was no answer. Although Alby's eyes start to tear up, and his mouth starts to quiver.

"Alby, it's okay. You're okay now." Y/n says comforting him while rubbing his back. I decide to walk up to him, I crouch down and place my hand on his knee.

"Hey, Alby. We might have just found a way out of the maze. You hear me? We could be getting out of here!" I say trying to make him somewhat happier.

"We can't. We can't leave...They won't let us." He says holding back tears.

"Alby, what are you talking about?" Minho says making his way to Alby, sitting next to y/n on the bed.

"I remember." He says.

"What do you remember?" Y/n and I question at the same time. Alby looks at me, then y/n, then back to the place he's been staring at.

"You two." I felt everyone's eyes flick to y/n and I. "You guys were always their favourite, always." I look at him, in shock, I have no clue what to say, what does he even mean?

"What?.. what are you talking about? I don't understand." Y/N says, panicking.

"Why did you do this y/n? Why did you come here Thomas?" He says staring at y/n, tears are rolling down her face.

"DO WHAT." She screams, making everyone stare at her. There was no answer so she gets up and leaves. Gally follows her. Wait, Gally? Why Gally, that should be me. Alby stares at her as she walks out, then puts his head in his hands and starts to sob.

Suddenly, screaming and shouting was coming from outside. Overpowering everything in the glade. I stand up and make my way out, newt follows, then minho and then all the others.

"Hey, Winston, what's going on?" I ask him.

"It's the doors, they aren't closing." He replies.

I see y/n and Gally at the entrance to the main doors hugging. HUGGING? Last time I checked, they hated eachother, hadn't spoken for years. What the actual fuck? There's bigger issues, but this, this is outrageous. I start to run towards them. Gally gives me his iconic, "this is your fault" look, while y/n moves over and rests her head on my chest. I want to move away, but I can't. I feel to bad.

Torches in our hand, we are staring into the maze. When suddenly a deafening noise comes from all four sides of the maze. It's the other doors, they are opening. We all just stare in shock, when gladers from one side of the glade scream, "Grievers, RUN!!!!"

"Okay, chuck. I want you to go to the council hall. Okay? Start barricading the doors." I instruct chuck.

"Mm-hm. Okay!" Chuck replies while running towards the hut.

"Winston, you go with him." Newt orders, and Winston nods and heads off after Chuck.

"Get the others. Tell them to go to the forest, go hide. Now!" Gally says screaming and pointing to the deadheads.

"Minho, grab every weapon you can find. I'll meet you at the council hall." I command. Taking Newt and fry with him.

"Okay, Y/n, Teresa. We are going to go and get Alby, okay?" I say to both of them, they both nod. Y/n grabs my hand, I still want to let go and know what happened between her and Gally, but there's no time now.

the maze runner (thomas x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now