chpt 15: the pit

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                           [thomas's pov]

Gally and I are walking towards the pit, as it's awaiting for my presence. We walk in complete silence. But there's a question I have wanted to ask him for ages.

"Hey, what is your problem with me?"

"Everything started going wrong the minute you showed up. First Ben, then Alby, and now the girl, that everybody saw recognise you. And I'm betting, you know who she is." Gally says in the most sassy manner, how the fuck does that mean it's my fault??

I just sigh, I can't put up with his utter stupidity and his bullshit that doesn't even make sense. I climb into the pit, it's not so bad, there's lots of room. Gally starts to lock the doors.

"Gally, you know we can't stay here forever, right?" I ask him, there was no reply he just stared at me in complete silence. He started to walk away, taking the torch with him.

I see a light with two silhouettes start to appear in the distance. I actually got quite scared.

"Who's there?" I scream.

"Relax, it's just us." Chuck says, trailing next to y/n.

"Oh sorry guys." I apologise.

"Here, you'll run better on a full stomach." Y/N says handing me one of fry's iconic wraps with rice and chicken in it and a bottle of water to wash it down. I greedily shove the rap into my mouth, I haven't had anything in ages.

"Mmm... thanks, guys." I say thanking them with a mouthful of food.

I notice Chuck is staring at the thing his been carving since I got here.

"Hey, what you got there?" Y/N says noticing it to. Chuck shows her first, and she looks in shock, "Woah, that's actually pretty awesome!" She exclaims, Chuck then brings it closer to my face.

"Woah! That came out pretty damn good. What's that for?" I say.

"It's for my parents." He explains. Y/N and I both look at eachother and our faces drop.

"You remember your parents?"

"No. Well, I mean, I know I must have them." Well that saves an awkward conversation, I think to myself. "And wherever they are, I'm sure they miss me, but... I can't miss them because I don't remember." I feel a sadness inside me, he's only so young and I feel so bad. I look up to see y/n and tears are pooling in her eyes.

Chuck looks behind us and stares at the maze and then turns back, "What do you think you're gonna find out there tomorrow?" He asks the both of us.

"Uh- I don't know." I say

"Well, I mean hopefully a way out. We've never been this close before. I genuinely think we could get out of here." Y/N says running a hand through her hair, it was hot.

"Yeah, if there's a way out, Chuck. Minho, Y/N and I are gonna find it." I stare at him, hoping he doesn't make me promise, I don't want to break a promise.

"Here." Chuck says, passing his wooden carving through the door of the pit.

"Chuck, why would you give this to me?" I ask, I have no clue what I'm meant to do with it.

"I can't remember them anyway. But mabye if you guys find a way out, you'll give it to them for me. I would give it to y/n but.." He then turns to y/n, "you're too clumsy for that." And pats her on the back.

"Yeah, you're right. It's okay buddy." She says to him, and we all let out a little chuckle.

"I'll let you guys talk." Chuck says standing up about to walk away.

"Hey, Chuck? Come here." I say, he turns around and starts to waddle back. "Put out your hand. I want you to give that to them yourself, we are gonna get out of here, okay? All of us. I promise." I say placing the carving into his hand. Maybe I shouldn't have promised that, but it's too late now.

He grabs it with a smile on his face. He's now starting to walk away. We all exchange a goodnight. But y/n stays.

                         [y/n's pov]

Now it's just me and Thomas, but we can't really do anything and there's a fucking cage door stopping us.

"So, how you enjoying the pit?" I ask him.

"It way better than your hut, that's for sure." He says sarcastically, making me laugh. "I've been thinking about that night non stop. And I've been meaning to ask you something."

Anticipation and nervousness floods my whole entire body. I think I know what he's about to say. But he could be saying anything.

"Y/N, would you like to be.. my girlfriend. I know we haven't known eachother long. But I feel like I've known you my whole life. We have a connection I can feel it." He says, I can tell he's absolutely bricking it.

"Is that even a question?? Of course I will, Tommy!!" I say in excitement.

"That's a new one, we've had Tom, Thomas, but never Tommy. I kinda like it." He laughs. "Well, it's getting late, and if you get caught speaking to me, Gally will throw you in here aswell." He hints at me, I look around.

"That wouldn't be such a bad thing, would it?" I say, as soon of the words leaving my mouth I cringe.

"Mabye not?" He says, making me feel better about the cringey mess. We laugh it off, "You should probably get going, goodnight n/n. I love you to the moon and back." He says to me, making butterflies in my stomach.

"Goodnight Tom, I love you to the moon and back." I saw standing up to walk away. Blowing a kiss at him.

the maze runner (thomas x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now