cpht 26: the memories

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[3rd person pov]

Y/N is lying in her bed peacefully, hugging herself. She had something put in her neck, no one knew what it was other than those damn workers. While she was sleeping, inside her brain was more alive than ever.

Her memories were being given back. The things taken away form her were returning like they've never been lost.

Janson was stood in front of her, "Y/N I'm sorry, but your dad.. he's gone." He says to her, cupping her head.

"No, no. You said you found a cure!" She says back to him, un able to fathom the information.

"He shot himself. He could take it anymore y/n. I'm sorry but he's gone." The man says back to her, hugging her tightly.

Another flash appears.

"Y/N, as you know, Janson and I have been together for 3 months now. I want you to know he has a son. His name is Edward." Ava says to y/n preparing her for what's about to happen.

A boy walks in. It was Newt. Why the fuck was he called Edward then?

"Hello, my names Edward! But you can call me Ed for short." He says while shaking y/n's hand and smiling.

"I'm y/n, nice to meet you Ed!" She says back, smiling.

Yet again another flash.

"Thomas, I don't know what to say.." she says to him.

"I know, and that's okay. I can give you time." Thomas replies back.

"It's not that I don't like you, it's just—" Y/n begins to say, but is interpreted by Thomas.

"Your parents? It's fine seriously. I know janson isn't to fond of me anyway." He says flashing a smile.

"Yeah, but after all, he is my step-dad. And you're also my mums favourite. So why would it be a problem?" Y/n says excitedly. But then turns to Teresa, who's sat there staring solemnly.

A sigh leaves Thomas's mouth, "in another universe?"

"In another universe. I'm sorry." She says.

Another flash, A picture appears, y/n standing talking to someone, who was ominously stood in a darkly light area.

"Mum, you can't do this to him. He's your son." A younger version of y/n says to a unrecognisable women.

"He was my Step-son. Janson and I aren't married anymore, he's not your brother and he's not my son. Why can't you understand that?" The woman says, her voice oddly familiar. She starts to emerge from the shadows. It was Ava.

"Because, I love him like a brother. And I love Janson like a dad. They were there for us, when dad was dying.." Y/n says back, tears falling from her eyes.

Suddenly it turns black.

"Thomas I love you. I'm sorry about not saying it before and making it all awkward. But I've never felt this way about someone before, and I can't live another day without you knowing it." Y/n says staring into his puppy eyes.

"Oh trust me darling, I know. Don't be sorry, it's okay! I love you too." Thomas says cupping her cheek. "So it's official? I finally won over y/n Paige."

"Finally." She says smiling back.

It was black for a while and then a brighter light came.

"Thomas, they're taking Newt!!" Y/n says anxiously running towards Thomas. "They're taking newt into the maze!"

"Slow down, what do you mean? Why would your mum do that, what about janson? Does he know?" Thomas asks.

"She's not my mum. My mum wouldn't do this. And I don't know about Janson. All I know is I need to stop him." She says back.

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