chpt 25: the bodies in the basement

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[3rd person pov]

"Where the hell are they going?" Y/n asks all the other boys.

"Well, Thomas and Aris found bodies yesterday, they take them behind doors and they never come back out." Newt begins to explain.

"Yeah, Thomas had the bright idea to go and check it out." Minho says in reply.

"Well hopefully he finds nothing, we just escaped the maze. My brain can't take anything else." Frypan says causing laughter all around.

[Thomas's pov]

We reach the opening, staring down from in the vents. I push down on it, causing the vent door to fling open. I jump down first, checking if the coast is clear. I signal to Aris that is it and without hesitation he jumps does, closing the vent door. Covering us any tracks of us being here.

I swipe the authorisation card, and it grants us access. The doors part from the middle and open. A gust of wind blows into our faces and we slowly start to head towards the first room.

It was a room filled with hazmat suits and masks, whatever must be behind that door has to be serious. I'm walking towards it, ignoring the warning signs but then something catches my eye. It was a separate room, showcased by a window.

Inside were these huge tubes, with a weird looking shrimp thing inside, submerged in water.

Grievers. Why would they have grievers here?

I quickly take my attention to the doors as Aris starts to walk towards them. Again, they part down the middle but this time. We are met with the most horrendous sight ever.

Hundreds if not thousands of bodies being strung up and something being drained out of them.

"What the.." I begin to say, I'm completely lost for words.

It's their blood, their blood is being taken from them. They're lifeless beings who used to live here, after these people 'saved' us.

Something, well rather someone catches my eye. A girl who looks exactly like Teresa is hanging down.

"Teresa?" I say quickly walking over to her. Her hair is covering her face. I can't quite make out if it's her or not.

I move her hair from her face, thank god. It's not her, but it's still someone. An innocent person who was tricked by these people.

I took a breath that I didn't even realise I was holding. I was relived.

"It's Rachel." Aris says, looking at her with tears beginning to rest in his eyes. "They took her the first night. I told her everything was going to be okay." He continues.

"Hey," I say putting a hand on his shoulder, "it's not your fault, you didn't know, neither did she." I say to him.

A noise was heard, a very familiar one. The exterior door to this room was opened. People were coming.

"Oh crap." Aris says before dragging me behind a pillar.

He hides behind a filing cabinet, while I work my way around the pillar praying not to be seen.

"You sure this can't wait?" Janson says, speaking to another man.

"She was very specific, sir. She wanted to speak with you personally." The man replied.

She? Whose she?

"As if I don't have enough to deal with, y/n met up with the boys. They saw what happened to her." Janson says.

"Just, uh, bear with me. We're getting some interference from the storm."

"It's good enough, make the connection."

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