chpt 34: the thunder

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[3rd person]

It was daytime again, the six teenagers were aimlessly wondering through an empty desert. There was no civilisation for miles, only mountains. There were no more abandoned buildings, they were going deep into the middle of nowhere. They all walk in a single-file line leaving about 3 meters between one another. They're silent. Not a sound can be heard leaving their mouths.

Thomas leads the group, as per usual, behind was y/n, Newt, Teresa, Fry, Aris, Minho. They're dawdling up and down following the patterns of the hilly sand. In the distance, there's a flat landscape. Dehydrated, cracked mud where a big body of water would've been.

As they reach the flat surface, they transition to walking next to eachother. Always leaving an empty space for Winston, if only he was there.

"I would kill for just a drop of water right now." Minho moans.

"Here, have some of mine." Y/n demands reaching out to the boy.

Minho reluctantly agrees to take it. He lifts up the flask towards his parched mouth, nothing comes out. The flask is bone dry. Y/n started to chuckle to herself, making Minho even more mad. He throws the flask with all his might far into the distance.

"I fucking hate you." He spits, "Your not funny, like at all."

"Okay, cupcake. Don't act like you don't laugh at my jokes." She says playfully.

"Don't call me cupcake, cupcake." He smiles sarcastically.

"Both of you, shut up. I can't listen to your voices any longer." Teresa says, making y/n very upset. She's been bottling up all the snarky comments, rude remarks, physical threats to Teresa, but this. This could end badly.

"Oh shut the fuck up, we were joking. Lighten up, just because you're having no fun, doesn't mean you have to ruin it for the rest of us. If you're that bothered, go walk by yourself or leave?" She shouts, holding to a stop.

"Maybe I'll go walk with Thomas." Teresa says very calmly, but inside she's trying to fight crying after being yelled at.

"Go ahead. But heads up, I don't think he really wants to walk with you." Y/n says unfazed.

"Maybe he doesn't, but it gets to you doesn't it, seeing me with him?" She replies back.

"That's very bold of you to assume Teresa. I couldn't give two shits whether you're next to him or not, because guess what?" Y/n begins to say, hastily walking over to Thomas. "He's with me, not you. And that says a lot. Imagine trying to chase a man you can't have." She finishes off, cupping Thomas's face and leaning in for a kiss. Which he returns with no hesitation.

All the others just stare. Minho gags playfully. Newt just minds his own business, mainly because he thinks it's weird to stare. Fry is staring and Aris is looking at the mountains in front.

On the other hand, Teresa looks deeply hurt by this. She doesn't say anything, in-fact she's actually lost for words. So as a last resort, she starts to walk again.

"Hmm, that's what I thought." Y/n says arrogantly.

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