chpt 13: the girl

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[y/n's pov]

Thomas, Minho, Clint, Jeff and I are running towards the watch tower. I see Chuck laughing his head off and pointing towards the top of it. I hear Gally trying to control the situation, "Everyone stay back!" He shouts to all the gladers. We eventually reach Chuck.

"Chuck what's going on?" Thomas asks tying to get an insight of what to do.

"Girls are awesome!!" Chuck replies while laughing, not really answering Thomas's questions.

We all turn to the watch tower to see everyone shielding themselves from objects flying around. The girl is shouting at them demanding for them to leave her alone. I get where she comes from, she's surrounded by a bunch of boys, not knowing anything about herself or about this place.

"Damn, watch your heads!" I hear frypan exclaim making me chuckle to myself.

"Hey! Throw one more of those things, and I will—." Gally gets struck on the head with a plum. I'm really starting to like this girl.

"Go away!" She's objecting.

"What is going on!?" Thomas and I ask at the same time.

"I don't think she likes us very much." Newt says sarcastically, making me laugh.

"What do you want from me??" The girl is now getting anxious.

"Hey we just wanna talk, okay?" Thomas tried to explain.

"I'm warning you." The girl threatens to all of us down bellow. Throwing rocks now.

"Oh, take cover, y'all. Take cover!" Frypan says in a panic, I'm finding everything so funny and cannot control my laughter at all.

"Hey, whoa, whoa, it's Thomas. It's Thomas!!" Thomas shouts from next to me.

The girl stops throwing things as soon as hears his name. She peers over the edge and just stares down.

"Okay, I'm gonna come up, okay?" Thomas says softly.

[thomas's pov]

I'm climbing up the watch tower ladder, making sure I don't slip otherwise it will be along way down. I'm on my own, she wouldn't let anyone else come with me. I reach the top and see a very familiar girl sat on the floor. Holding a machete. Where the fuck has she found a machete?

"Woah, woah. Okay, just... Easy, all right?" I say trying to calm the girl down, it doesn't seem to be working though.

"Where am I? What is this place? Why can't I remember anything?" She questions me, not letting me get a word in.

"This is all normal. We've all been through this. Okay? You're name'll come back in a couple of days. It's the one thing that—" I say explaining to her in a way, hopefully she understands.

"Teresa." She says cutting me off. How does she know her name?

"What'd you say?" I asked her to repeat, I'm shocked.

"My name. It's teresa."

"Okay. All right, teresa, I'm Thomas. But you already knew that, though, I guess, huh?" I say, creeping closer to her.

"They said I kept on saying your name in my sleep. Who are you?"

"I don't know, I can't remember, okay? None of us here can remember anything. We all woke up here, just like you did. Hey I promise. We're.." I say grabbing the machete out of her hand, a weight is pulled of my chest, when I'm not being held at knife point. "I'm gonna take this, okay!" I sigh in relief and she hands it to me.

"What's going on up there?" Gally yells down from bellow.

"Is she coming down?" Newt follows.

"Yeah, my legs are starting to hurt." Y/N says making me laugh.

"Umm.." I look back at her, "Hey, listen, you guys just give us a second, okay? But
y/n she said you can come up!" No she didn't, but when I said we needed a minute, y/n's face dropped and I felt bad. Plus teresa did say her name, so it kind of works out.

Y/N starts climbing up towards us, while the others are going back to their normal daily activities.

"All right, cmon." Newt orders.

"Is this what all girls are like?" Frypan jokes.

"Oh you know it!" Y/N says joking back to fry. She's nearly at the top. Gally just stands there and stares, "Gally piss off, stop being nosey!" Y/n says making me chuckle. She's reached the top, coming through the hatch. She looks so pretty.

"Hey n/n. You okay?" I ask kissing her on the cheek, making sure the other girl knows she's mine.

"Yeah! Just got hit on the head a couple of times, but other than that, great!" She says joking, all though I don't think the girl took it as a joke.

"Oh I'm sorry about that, so you're the other girl?" Teresa says.

"Yep! Have been for 6 years, that's why I'm so exited I can finally have someone to talk to other than boys." She says, her smile lighting up the glade. It was daytime.. but that doesn't matter.

[5 mins later, they get to know eachother.]

"She's the last one ever? What does that mean?"

"We don't know." I answer for y/n but I don't think she knows either. "Ever since you came up, that box hasn't gone back down, you know I think it's just got everyone a little worried." I follow on.

"Especially gally." Y/n says.

"He thinks it's my fault." Teresa says disappointedly.

"That's just Gally, he needs to blame someone for everything that way if something goes wrong, he's not at fault. You just have to ignore him. Sometimes he'll be really nice, and the next he won't." Y/n says while looking at me.

Bens words came flooding back, "It's all your fault. I saw you." I don't want to hear it anymore, but they keep on repeating themselves.

"Are you sure you don't remember anything else?" I ask Teresa.

"I remember water, feeling like I was drowning. Faces staring down at me, and this voice saying over and over—" She says.

Y/N and I instantly look at each other, I know we are thinking the exact same thing.
"WCKD is good." We say in unison still looking at eachother.

"Ever since we've been here, we've had these dreams." I start off explaining.

"Well, we thought they were dreams. You..
You were there." Y/N carries on.

"You were saying that everything was gonna change." I finish off.

"What does it mean?" She asks the both of us. "The others don't remember anything?"

"No, nothing at all." Y/n answers.

"Why are we different?" I ask, knowing no one has the answers.

The black haired girl reaches into her pockets and pulls out two blue vile's of liquid. "These were in my pocket when I came up." I grab one, y/n grabs the other. The letters W.C.K.D are engraved into the metal.

"WICKED is good!" I say

"What if we were sent here for a reason." Teresa proposes.

I look over to y/n her face analysing the vile, when suddenly a wave of realisation hit her. "ALBY!" She screams in excitement, we might be able to save him.

the maze runner (thomas x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now