chpt 2: the tour

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                           [greenies pov]

Ably held out his hand to help me out of this cage. I reluctantly took it, I still have no idea what's going on. He's basically told me shit all and I don't understand why.

We are walking around and I can see everyone working, talking and laughing with each other. "We eat here, we sleep here . We grow our own food, we build our own shelter. Whatever we need, the Box provides, the rest is up to us." He explains but then the words 'box' have me thinking.

"The box?" I question.
"Yeah they send them once a month with fresh supplies and a new greenie. This month, that's you. Congratulations!" He tells me, I'm kinda glad he's going into detail about things but he's still being very vague and brushing over important things.

"Sent up? By who, though? Who put us here?" I ask looking at him

"Yeah, that we don't know." He answers..

A boy who's got blonde hair is walking up and says, "You all right there, Alby?" He has a thick British accent and it's actually quite nice to hear. "Green Bean, meet Newt, when I'm not around he's in charge." Alby says as newt shakes my hand. "Well, it's a good thing you're always around then."

He turns to me, "Listen, that was some dash you made earlier. You know, for a second, I thought you had the chops to be a runner, till you face planted, that was great!" He says making Alby and himself laugh. But I heard the word runner like I heard that boy scream at me when I was running,

"Wait, runner?" I say, and my question gets completely blanked.
"Newt, do me a favour. Go find chuck"
"All right."

Newt then wanders off to go and find that boy named chuck. Alby grabs me by my shoulder and apologises. "Look I'm sorry to rush this. You came up a little late, and there's a lot to do... We got something special planned for tonight. You'll see!"

We walked to this really tall structure, I take the height of it in and Alby jokes, "I hope you're not afraid of heights. Let's go cmon." I'm not afraid of heights but when something that big is held up by a couple of shitty sticks and looks like it's about to collapse any second, I am.

I reached the top and to my surprise it's actually pretty sturdy, and the view is beautiful. "This is all we got. We've worked hard for it. If you respect this place, you and I will get along just fine." He says reasoning with me.

"What's out there?" I ask, again I was completely ignored. Why won't he answer the important questions?

"We only have 3 rules, First do you're part. No time for any freeloaders. Second, never harm another Glader. None of this works unless we have trust. And most importantly, never go beyond those walls, Do you understand me, greenie?" Alby explains, I understand but I want to know why I can't, I'm only more curious now.

Then a little voice comes from down below.
"Hey, Alby!" We both look down to see who it was. Then ably starts to chuckle, "Hey chuck. Where you been, man?"

Alby and I both climb down the ladders, carefully. We reach chuck.

the maze runner (thomas x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now