chpt 27: the escape

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[thomas's pov]

We run to the exit doors, frantically. I pull out the authorisation key-card from my pocket, swiping it over and over again.

Access denied.

"Shit. Come on!" I say screaming in frustration. We were so close.

"Thomas!" I hear a man shout my name. I turn around and see Janson, with his whole 'army' behind him.

"Fuck." I hear y/n mutter.

I boldly walk towards the squad, loading the taser gun readying myself to shoot. Janson flings his arms up, still walking towards us.

"Open this door, Janson." I demand inpatiently.

"You really don't want me too." He replies back.

"Well, you think we would be standing here if we didn't want you to?" Y/n says smugly, walking away from our group to stand next to me.

"Open the damn door!" I scream shaking the gun. I slightly shove y/n behind me to protect her.

"Listen to me! I'm trying to save your life. The maze is one thing, but you kids won't last a day in the scorch. If the elements don't kill you, the cranks will." Janson says in an aggressive manner.

Y/n steps in front of me. Completely disregarding the fact I pushed her back. "I remember everything Janson. Every single fucking thing." 

"What?" I say whispering in her ear.

"Well, considering I'm the one who gave you them back, I know." Janson says smirking to himself. "I cant belive my step-daughter is pregnant." He says.

Excuse me?

"Not your stepdaughter anymore, am I? You and Ava divorced." She says back, ignoring the pregnant remark.

"Well, I treated you like family, I still consider you as family."

"Well don't. I couldn't give two shits about you. You weren't a good parent, you sent your children into a maze for god sakes. That's not what family does. These people stood behind me, they're my family. Not your sorry ass." She says back in a menacing stance.

"Okay, so what about the baby? That's your family?" He asks.

"Fuck you mean baby?" Y/n says.

"Oh well obviously you didn't hear me, you're pregnant." Janson says repeating himself.

The others are still trying to swipe the card. But they're definitely listening to every single word being spoken. I'm in complete shock. Pregnant? I don't know whether to jump for joy or cry.

Is it even mine?

"No the fuck I'm not, why are you lying? Dr Crawford did 3 different tests on me. All negative. Next time, try something more convincing." She says, relief fills my body.

"Ava's coming tomorrow, sure she'll love to see you. I would love to have a whole family reunion." Janson says trying to persuade her to say.

"That makes one of us, I'm not staying. We both know that." She says with so much sass.

"You have to believe me, I only want what's best for you." Janson whispers, but we all know that's not true.

"Let me guess. WCKD is good?" I say, grabbing y/n's arm.

"You're not getting through that door, Thomas." He exclaims.

As fait has it, the door starts to open. With Winston and Aris behind it, I knew we could trust that kid.

"Yeah, we'll see about that." Y/n says pulling me towards the door.

"Thomas! Y/n! Come on, let's go!" Newt shouts running out the door.

I start shooting, mainly aiming for janson. But then his little bitches run infront with their shields. I know the bullets aren't lethal. But I would love to see Janson and his men roll around uncontrollably in pain.

The ammo runs out, now I'm defenceless.

"Thomas, hurry the fuck up we need to leave." Y/n says pulling me back. The door was closing. Shit.

"Shut the main vault door, immediately!" I hear Janson shout as if it wasn't already closing.

Y/N and I are running toward the door like we've never ran before. Our hands are interlocked, restricting movement. But I'd rather die hand in hand, than any other.

"Y/N? Thomas? Hurry!" I hear Minho shout.

"No!" Teresa lets out a cry.

"Come on!!" They all shout in unison.

The door was milliseconds away form closing. It was now or never. I look at y/n and nod, we both have the same idea.

We both slide on our front, bringing over to our backs. We managed to get through!

"Oh my fucking god. I've never ran that fast before." Y/n says chuckling to herself.

"Me either!" I say, joining in with the laughter.

All the gladers joined in, we haven't had a good laugh like this in ages. Suddenly there was a bang on the door. Janson.

Aris runs toward the access panel and sacks it with a metal rod. It explodes, sparks flying out of it.

Winston crouches down to retrieve a gun from a knocked out solider.

Janson leans on the window, out of breath. I put my middle finger up, y/n blows him a sarcastic kiss. "You little shits." He says.

"Come on Thomas, come on y/n let's go!" Minho says grabbing mine and y/n's arm.

We run through the wear house, people are staring to emerge from every single direction. I crank the lever and push the door.

It unlocks and the door starts paring down the middle. Wind and sand start to fill the room. It's like little shards of glass slicing every part of you.

"Well, what are we waiting for." Y/n says, looking back at us. "Come on!"

She grabs my hand interlocking our fingers. I can't stop thinking about her being pregnant. I know she's not but...what if?

the maze runner (thomas x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now