chpt 11: the last one ever

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[newts pov]

I wake up, earlier than normal. I'm surprised I even got to sleep. I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but I have hope that she survived, that they survived. I have no clue what I would do without y/n and I need her to be alive.

We are already sat at the walls waiting, Chuck and I sat out here all night. He doesn't know the dangers out there, no one's told him. He doesn't know that they're probably dead.

"Hey! Guys, get up. Get up!!" Chuck says in excitement. And so everyone surrounding the doors does. We stand up waiting, and waiting. The doors have opened fully, and there's no sign of any life.

"Told you Chuck. They're not coming back." I say with tears streaming down my cheeks. Chuck ignores what I've just said and is still standing there waiting for something. He lost hope and began to turn around. Everyone else started to walk away to get on with their day, Chuck stood there watching us leave.

"No fucking way." Zart blurted out.

Everyone has turned around now. Im stood there in complete shock, staring at my sister as she's helping hold up Alby.

"YEAHH!! YESS!!" Chuck screamed at the top of his lungs.

Y/N gets to the exit of the doors and places Alby to the floor, and sees me stood there watching. She runs up to give me a hug and she collapses in my arms, we both start balling our eyes out.

[y/n's pov]

"Oh my god i was so worried about you. I'm so glad you're not dead!" Newt says to me while crying.

"So am I, I missed you so much!" I also say crying.

"What happened out there? How'd you guys make it out?" Some boy said

"You saw a griever?" Chuck asked all 3 of us.

"Yeah, we saw 1" I say sarcastically

"Yeah, just one." Thomas joins in.

"We didn't just see it, Thomas killed it." Minho says making sure he gets all the credit. Everyone's face turns to him completely astounded.

There's a gathering in the council house, I'm not the keeper of anything, but since I'm the only girl. I have a say in all of the decisions that are made.

"Things our changing. There's no denying that. First, Ben gets stung in broad daylight, and then Alby. And now out Greenie here has taken it upon himself to go into the maze. Which the clear violation of our rules here." Gally explains the situation to the 'jury' sat on the benches.

"Yeah, but he saved Alby's life." Frypan reasons.

"Did he?" Gally questions.

"I mean pretty much??" I say defending Thomas. But Gally just blanked me. Crazy how we were making progress, and now we are back on bad terms.

Thomas looked at me and smiled, I returned the smile back.

"For three years, we have coexisted with these things, and now you've killed one of them." He points to Thomas. "Who knows what that could mean for us?" He carries on.

"Well, what do you suggest we do?" Newt asks

"He has to be punished" Gally says.

People started to protest in the audience "Woah, woah, woah!" Followed by, "He killed a griever!"

"Y/N, Minho. You were there with him. What do you think?" Newt asks the both of us.

"In all the time we've been here no one's ever killed a grieve before. When I turned tail an ran. These dumb shanks stood by to help Alby." Minho explains to everyone.

"He saved my life, he wasn't scared or hesitant to sacrifice himself for me. Look, I don't know if he's brave or stupid. But whatever it is we need more of it!" I say looking and everyone around us.

Minho and I make eye contact and know exactly what each other are thinking. In unison we both say, "We say, let's make him a runner."

"Woah okay, guys let's not jump the gun here." Frypan states.

Chuck then started to chant Thomas's name in hope that people would join in. Unfortunately, no one did and Chuck looked so embarrassed.

"If you wanna throw the newbie a parade, that's fine. Go ahead. But if there is one thing I know about the maze, is that you do not—" Gally declares.

"Yeah, but you don't know anything about the maze, you've never step foot in it, you're to much of a pussy to even do so. At least someone had the balls to run in after us!" I say in anger, silencing him.

He looks at me, like he's trying to conjure up something to say, but something interrupts him. Machinery starts to grumble in the distance, and the box alarm started going off. Everyone exists the council hall and are running towards the box.

[thomas's pov]

That sound was all too familiar. I knew exactly what it was.. I started getting flashbacks to when I was coming up in it.

"Okay, wait. I know that sound." I say

"The box it's coming back up." Chuck says

"It shouldn't be." Y/N and Minho say at the same time. They always do it, I don't know how but it is pretty cool.

Gally and newt are the first ones to get there. They open the box and newt jumps down.

"Newt, what do you see? Who is it?" A boy asks.

"It's a girl.." newt says.

"Oh thank fuck, it's about time. Jesus Christ." Y/n blurts out

Everyone looks at her and just smiles, I could tell they wanted to laugh but I think they were just so confused. I put my hand in her hand and interlock our fingers.

"I think she's dead." Newt says staring at an unconscious body..

"What's in her hand?" Gally asks.

Y/N and I take a closer look, and I realise she's the girl from my visions and I think she does as-well.

"She's the last one EVER." Newt read the note aloud, "what the hell is that supposed to mean?" He asks.

She wakes up gasping for air.. looks at me directly and yells, "Thomas!" Her eyes then shift to y/n and she blurts out, "y/n? how are you still alive?.." And then drifts back to sleep panting. Okay! What the actual fuck is this bitch on. What does she mean? How the fuck does she know us? Yeah I get she's the girl from our visions but I'm so confused.

Everyone looked up at me and y/n like we did something wrong.. and of course Gally had to say something.

"You think I'm overreacting now?" He says, thinking he's cool. But he's just a smart arse.

the maze runner (thomas x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now