chpt 30: the jumpscare

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[3rd person pov]

"Okay guys, Minho, y/n and I are going to see what else we can find. You guys split up and meet back here." Thomas instructs to the whole group.

"Wait, Thomas." Newt stays, stopping Thomas in his tracks. He rummages to find something. He eventually throws him a flashlight.

"Okay, let's go!" Y/N says, cheerfully.

Newt, Fry and Teresa stay in the supply room, others fan out in the abandoned building investigating it more.

"Hey, Thomas." Minho begins to say, "All those kids that we left behind back there. U don't wanna end up like that." He finishes softly, trying his attention to y/n.

"Yeah, me either." She says delicately. Thomas is just looking at a box filled with wires. "Hey, do you hear us?"

"Yeah, I hear you. Don't worry I won't let anything happen to you guys, I promise." He says reassuring the two.

"Good. Now what are we looking for out here?" Minho mutters.

"Signs of life. People. Survivors. Anyone who can help us." Thomas replies.

"Does he count?" Minho says, along with y/n saying ,"I'm sure he can help us."

Sat there infront of them was a... well no one can exactly describe what they saw. It was human, but looked completely animal like. A bag was placed over its head, all thought it was sat in quite a comfortable position.

"Shit." Thomas whispers.

"Well, I guess we'll have to find someone else to help us. He's long gone." Y/n says, trying to crack a joke but receives no laugh.

Minho taps a lamp sat beside the lifeless body, "They had power."

Y/n and Thomas both raise their torches to the electrical outlets and boxes behind them. A thick black wire trails from the fuses and runs along the floor in a wiggly line.

They carry on walking towards double doors connecting to a second room. It looked like the electrical room, where everything would be connected. It was the store for all the power in the massive mall.

There was a big cage, in front of it laid kids toys, flowers, decorations. Like a memorial for something.

"This looks promising." Minho says, inspecting a power box, he flicks a switch.

"Minho, don't pull that-" Y/N says to him, but it was too late, the leaver was already pulled.

"Minho, wait!" Thomas says, also stopping him lately. Machine starts to power up. And lights flick on all around them.

"Well, that's could've been worse." Y/n says, standing next to Thomas. Minho looks at them with a big grin and suddenly it drops.

"Guys, watch out!" He screams.

They both turn around at the same time. A little girl flings herself at the cage. She's screaming and slamming on the metal. She has hollow, black eye sockets containing no eyes. Her skin is covered with black veins.

"What the fuck is that?" Y/n screams, gripping her heart.

"Where are her eyes!" Minho shouts.

Another slam comes from behind them. A croak can be heard from behind. They all turn around. And another half dead person is there, storming towards them.

Y/n picks up a metal pole and slashes his face.

"What the hell is that thing?" Thomas asks.

More groans and screams can be heard, a heard of the creatures start to run towards them.

the maze runner (thomas x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now