Chapter 5

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Chapter 5: The Little Kitten

Isabel's POV

Then, as I finally arrived and stood in front of the palace gates, I was struck by the sight of a long line of maidens, each holding a letter identical to the one Mrs. Hawthorne had given me. My heart sank slightly as I realized that they, too, were here seeking work, each one probably with a story similar to mine—a family to support or dreams of a better life.

The grandeur of the palace loomed before us, its tall gates and imposing walls were the very contrast to the humble homes we had left behind. I clutched my letter tightly, feeling a both nervous and determination. The other maidens in line looked just as apprehensive, their faces mirroring the same blend of hope and anxiety that I felt.

I couldn't help but wonder about their stories. Were they also daughters of struggling families, sent here with the hope of securing a stable income? Did they also have loved ones depending on them, waiting anxiously for good news? The thought made me feel a kinship with these strangers, united by our shared purpose.

As I waited my turn, I took in the scene around me. The palace guards stood by the gates, their expressions stern but not unkind. Beyond the gates, the courtyard bustled with activity—servants hurried about, tending to their duties with practiced efficiency. The air was filled with the scent of blooming flowers and freshly cut grass, which ws also different from the smoky, cramped atmosphere of the slums.

A few of the maidens glanced at me and offered tentative smiles. I returned their smiles, feeling a bit of comfort despite the fact that we were also, in a way, competitors.

When it was finally my turn, I stepped forward and presented my letter to the guard. He glanced at it briefly before nodding and directing me inside. My heart pounded as I crossed the threshold into the palace grounds, a step that felt like crossing into a new chapter of my life.

Then, as I finally walked into the palace courtyard, I saw a woman standing there with a stern look on her face. She was dressed in the formal attire of a senior maid, but her bearing and demeanor suggested she held a position of authority—likely the head housekeeper.

She seemed to be around my mother’s age, and for a moment, I allowed myself to hope that she might be as kind and understanding as my mother. However, that hope was quickly dashed when she began to speak.

“Welcome to the palace,” she said, her voice crisp and unyielding. “I am Mrs. Eliza, the head housekeeper. You are here because you seek employment, but know that not all of you will be chosen. We expect the highest standards of conduct and work ethic here.”

Her gaze swept over us, her eyes sharp and assessing. I felt a chill run down my spine as her eyes met mine, holding for just a fraction longer than was comfortable.

“The palace is not a place for the weak or faint-hearted,” Mrs. Eliza continued while her tone left no room for argument. “You will be tested, and only those who prove themselves capable will be allowed to stay. Do not think for a moment that this will be easy.”

It made me swallow hard, my earlier confidence wavered under her scrutiny. The other maidens around me shifted uneasily, clearly feeling the same weight of expectation.

“Follow me,” Mrs. Eliza commanded, turning on her heel and leading us deeper into the courtyard. We trailed behind her, our footsteps echoing on the cobblestones.

As we walked, I couldn't help but steal glances at the grandeur around me—the well-tended gardens, the intricate stonework of the palace walls, the uniformed servants going about their duties with precision. It was a world so different from anything I had known, both beautiful and intimidating.

We were led to a large, airy room that served as the maids’ quarters. Mrs. Eliza turned to face us once more, her expression as stern as ever.

“You will be assigned tasks and observed closely,” she said. “Show diligence and competence, and you may earn a place here. Fail, and you will be dismissed without hesitation. Now, go to your assigned rooms and prepare. The work begins at first light.”

With that, she handed out slips of paper to each of us, detailing our room assignments. As I took mine, I felt relieved and yet anxious. This was just the beginning, and already I could sense the challenges ahead.

I found my assigned room and stepped inside. I took a moment to gather my thoughts. The room was small but neat, with a simple bed and a chest for my belongings. I set my bundle down and sat on the edge of the bed, feeling everything finally settle on my shoulders.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath while thiking of my mother. Her face that was lined with worry and love, filled my mind. I had promised her I would be careful and wise, and I intended to keep that promise.

No matter how stern Mrs. Eliza appeared, I knew I had to persevere. This opportunity was too important to let fear or uncertainty hold me back.

With renewed resolve, I unpacked my belongings and prepared for the days ahead. The palace was a daunting place, but I was ready to prove myself and secure a better future for my mother and me.

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