Chapter 10

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Chapter 10: Growing Desire

The king watched as Isabel's eyes widened in shock at his decree. He had to stifle a smile as she stumbled over her words while her face paled with worry. In truth, King Lucian had no doubt about her loyalty. He was merely teasing her. There was something about her that roused a sense of delight within him, something he couldn't quite put into words.

Lucian knew Isabel wasn't a spy. He had already had her background checked thoroughly after last night's encounter. Her story checked out—she was a simple young woman from the kingdom's slums, seeking work to support her ailing mother. But her presence intrigued him in a way he hadn't felt in a long time. The way her icy blue eyes sparkled under the moonlight at the banquet had left an indelible mark on him. She was different, and that difference was what drew him to her.

As he continued to observe her, he noticed the slight tremble in her hands and the way she bit her lower lip, trying to maintain her composure. It was endearing, and he found himself enjoying her reactions more than he should. He wanted to see more of those reactions, to understand what lay behind those captivating eyes.

"Isabel," he said, his tone softening, "you misunderstand me. I have no doubts about your loyalty. You are not a spy."

Her head shot up with confusion etched on her face. "Th-then why, Your Majesty?"

He leaned back in his chair, studying her. "I would rather not tell you or else you would run away."

Isabel blinked, processing his words. The tension in her shoulders eased slightly, though she still seemed unsure. "I would never run away from you, my king."

Lucian smiled gently. His expression transformed from his usually stern features into something gentler as she spoke his title with her soft, gentle voice. "Say it again."

She slightly tilted her head, a little confused at what the king was talking about, and it did not go unnoticed to him. So once more, he repeated his command and said, "Say it again."

"What is it that you wanted me to repeat, Your Majesty?" she asked.

"What you said earlier," he replied.

Isabel thought for a while, trying to remember what she had said. "Uhm... Is it when I said I would never run away from you, Your Majesty?"

"Haa..." Lucian breathed, becoming impatient and adding, "Yes, but you said, 'my king'. Keep saying it." He demanded.

Isabel's cheeks flushed a delicate pink as she realized what he meant. "I would never run away from you, my king."

The king's eyes darkened with a mix of amusement and something deeper. "Again."

"My king," Isabel whispered, her voice trembling slightly, yet she couldn't help but feel a strange thrill at his command.

Lucian leaned closer, his gaze never leaving hers. "Good. Now, again."

"My king," she repeated with her voice a little stronger this time, the words rolling off her tongue with surprising ease.

A satisfied smile played on Lucian's lips. "Once more, Isabel."

"M-my king," she said, almost breathlessly as her heart pounded in her chest.

Lucian's hand moved to gently lift her chin, forcing her to look directly into his eyes. "You will stay close to me, Isabel. Do you understand?"

"Yes, my king," she replied with her voice barely a whisper.

"Good," he said softly, his thumb brushing lightly against her jaw. "You may go now, but remember, you are always welcome here."

Isabel nodded, feeling a strange relief and longing as she stood and curtsied. But just as she was about to make her way out of the room, Lucian spoke again.

"Actually, Isabel," he said, a playful tone in his voice, "join me for breakfast."

She immediately turned back, her eyes wide with surprise. "My king?"

"Sit," he commanded gently, gesturing to the chair across from him. "I want you to eat with me."

Isabel hesitated for a moment before obeying but she took a seat anyway feeling the intensity of his gaze on her.

As they began their meal, Lucian continued to watch her with interest. "Tell me, Isabel," he said, his voice softer now, "what do you enjoy doing when you're not working?"

Isabel's face fell slightly, and she looked down at her hands. "I... I don't really have hobbies, my King. I was never educated, so I can't read or write. Mostly, I just do chores, like cleaning and cooking."

Lucian's expression softened with empathy. "There's no shame in that. As I have said, your hard work and dedication are commendable."

She nodded in response but her downcast eyes revealed her disappointment. Lucian reached across the table, gently lifting her chin with his hand. "You are more than your circumstances, Isabel. I can help you learn to read and write, if you wish."

Her eyes suddenly widened in surprise. "You would do that for me, my king?"

"Of course," he said with a warm smile. "It would be my pleasure."

Isabel looked at him feeling torn between gratitude and something else—an uncertainty or maybe... unworthiness. "I... I don't know if I am worthy of your time and knowledge, Your Majesty. I'm just a simple maid."

Lucian's smile softened even more. "You are more than just a maid, Isabel. You have a spark within you that deserves to be nurtured."

But Isabel only shook her head slightly, still downhearted. "I appreciate your offer, my king, but I don't want to impose. My duty is to serve, not to be served."

Lucian leaned back and studied her with a thoughtful expression. "Very well."

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