Chapter 20

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Chapter 20: Stand on my ground

Victoria watched closely as Lucian began eating the food she had brought. But to her dismay, he looked as though he had no appetite. He took small, unenthusiastic bites, his mind clearly elsewhere.

The food, though delicious, seemed tasteless to Lucian. His thoughts were consumed by the memory of Isabel’s hands preparing it, her familiar touch on the food, and the ache in his heart knowing that she must have been thinking about him spending his time with Victoria and not her.

Victoria watched with growing frustration as Lucian picked at his breakfast, barely making a dent in the meal she had worked so hard to prepare. She could see that his mind was far away, and it stung to realize that even in this intimate moment, he seemed distant and uninterested.

"Is the food not to your liking, Your Majesty?" she asked, trying to keep the disappointment out of her voice.

Lucian looked up, startled out of his thoughts. "No, it’s not that," he said quickly. "The food is excellent. I just... I didn’t sleep well last night."

Of course the food was excellent as it was prepared by the woman he loves.

Victoria forced a smile, though her eyes betrayed her irritation. "Perhaps a walk in the garden would help you feel more awake," she suggested. "The fresh air might do you some good."

Lucian hesitated and answered with an excuse, "I have court matters to attend to today."

Unexpectedly, Victoria leaned forward with her expression turning insistent. "Then I will join you. It would be beneficial for me to understand the matters of your court as I will be your wife soon."

Lucian tensed as a frown creased his forehead. "Princess Victoria, the matters of the court are confidential. You are from another kingdom, and it would be inappropriate to expose you to the issues we face."

Victoria's eyes flashed with determination. "But I am to be your wife, Lucian. Surely, it is only right that I understand what I will be dealing with in the future."

Lucian felt a wave of irritation mixed with amusement at her confidence. "Princess, I understand your eagerness, but these matters are delicate. Your presence could complicate things. And I am not Lucian. You refer to me as King."

Victoria’s confident declaration only made him more determined to keep her at arm's length. He was resolute in his decision.

The princess' smile tightened, but she didn't press the matter further. "Very well, Your Majesty. I will respect your wishes."

Lucian nodded, relieved. "Thank you for understanding."

With that, Lucian stood up and called for his attendants to dress him. "Prepare my wardrobe this instant." he commanded with his firm tone.

Victoria, sensing the shift, excused herself. "I will take my leave now, Your Majesty," she said, forcing a smile as she curtsied.

Lucian nodded and hummed. "Hm."

As the attendants entered, she walked out of the king's chambers, nervously biting her lip. Her mind raced, thinking of ways to win the king's favor as soon as possible, whether through gentle persuasion or forceful measures. She was determined to succeed, no matter the cost.


King Lucian walked briskly through the palace halls while his mind was focused on the court matters. The echoes of his footsteps seemed to match the intensity of his thoughts. As he approached the grand doors of the throne room, the murmur of his ministers' discussions reached his ears, their voices mingling in a low hum.

With a deep breath, Lucian pushed open the doors and the room fell silent almost instantly. The ministers immediately turned their attention to the king's imposing figure. He stood at the entrance for a moment as his eyes scanned the room with furrowed brows, taking in the faces of the present nobles in front of him.

Lucian’s stern gaze swept across the assembly, lingering on each minister just long enough to convey the seriousness of the day’s proceedings. His responsibilities settled heavily on his shoulders, but he knew he had to project strength and resolve.

He took another step forward and he made his way to the throne at the far end of the room. The ministers watched in respectful silence as he ascended the steps and took his seat. The grandeur of the throne itself emphasized his authority and power

"Good morning, Your Majesty," one of the senior ministers greeted, bowing deeply.

"Good morning," Lucian replied, his tone measured. "Proceed," Lucian commanded ashis voice echoed through the hall.

The ministers resumed their positions, ready to discuss the matters at hand. Each one presented their reports with precision, detailing the state of various aspects of the kingdom.

"Your Majesty, trade with the neighboring kingdoms has seen a marked increase," one minister reported. "Our coffers are filling, and our merchants are thriving."

"Good," Lucian acknowledged with a nod. "Continue to ensure that our trade routes remain secure."

Another minister stepped forward and spoke. "The harvest this season has been plentiful, Your Majesty. We anticipate a surplus that can be stored for the winter months or traded for goods we lack."

Lucian raised his hand lightly in approval of the good news. "Excellent. Make sure the surplus is distributed fairly and that none of our people go hungry."

Then, a third minister spoke up. "Our relations with the eastern territories have improved significantly. Diplomatic efforts have been successful in securing a non-aggression pact."

"Well done," Lucian said with a hint of satisfaction in his voice. "Maintain these relations and ensure that our borders remain protected."

The reports continued in this positive vein, with each minister presenting solutions to potential problems and detailing the successes they had achieved. It seemed that, for the most part, the kingdom was thriving.

But then, Head Minister Marlowe stepped forward. "There is one final matter, Your Majesty," he said with a cautious tone. "The proposed alliance with the Western Kingdom through your marriage to Princess Victoria needs to be done as soon as possible."

Lucian's expression darkened as his angeaswas barely contained. "That is not a matter up for discussion," he replied tersely.

"Your Majesty," Marlowe pressed, "this alliance could solidify our position and ensure the stability of our borders. The marriage—"

Lucian stood abruptly with his fists clenched. "I said it is not up for discussion!"

The ministers fell silent as the tension in the room felt suffocating. Lucian's anger was evident, and none dared to speak further on the matter. He glared at Marlowe, his eyes blazing.

"This kingdom has flourished because we make our decisions based on what is best for our people, not because of forced alliances through marriage," Lucian said, his voice low but fierce.

"We will find another way to secure our borders and ensure our kingdom's stability."

Marlowe bowed his head, stepping back into the line of ministers. "Of course, Your Majesty. My apologies."

Yet deep inside, Marlowe felt a sly satisfaction. He knew he had planted the seed, and the king's vehement reaction only meant that the issue was far from settled. In his mind, he believed he held the upper hand. The necessity of the marriage would become evident in time, and Lucian would have no choice but to yield.

Lucian took a deep breath, forcing himself to calm down. "Continue with your reports," he ordered.

The ministers resumed their updates, but the atmosphere in the throne room remained tense.

As the meeting concluded, Lucian rose from his throne. "This session is adjourned," he declared. Without waiting for a response, he turned and exited the throne room, his cape billowing behind him.

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