Chapter 52

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Chapter 52: A Blossoming Love

King Lucian sat alone as his hands trembled with both anger and disbelief. His mind was a storm of thoughts, each one more chaotic than the last.

How could Letecia, his sister, dare to betray him? And Isabel... Isabel, the woman he loved and had tried so hard to protect that he would even sacrifice his own freedom, had now left him. And then there was Isabel. The memory of her haunted him, her absence an open wound in his soul. He had tried to protect her, to keep her safe from the dangers that lurked within the palace walls. But in the end, she had slipped through his fingers, leaving him alone and broken.

He paced the room as his footsteps echoed in the silence. The burden of this betrayal hung heavy on his shoulders, threatening to crush him with its weight.

As he sank into a chair, a deep sense of despair washed over him. How could he have been so blind? How could he have allowed himself to be deceived in such a way? The realization of his own naivety was like a dagger to his heart, piercing him with its cruel truth.

Tears welled in his eyes as he thought of Isabel, her warm smile and gentle touch, now nothing more than distant memories. He had loved her with a depth and intensity he had never known possible, and the thought of losing her was more than he could bear.

But even in the midst of his despair, determination ignited within him. He would not let Letecia's betrayal go unpunished, nor would he allow Isabel's departure to be the end of their story. He would fight, tooth and nail, to reclaim what was rightfully his.

With a hardened resolve, King Lucian wiped away his tears and rose to his feet. He could not afford to linger in anguish any longer.

Addressing his attendant with commanding authority, he declared, "Summon a search party at once to locate Isabel. It is imperative that she be found without delay."

His words, delivered with unwavering authority, left no room for doubt. The attendant bowed deeply and quickly left to carry out the king's command.


Months passed, and winter relinquished its hold, giving way to the gentle warmth of spring. Meanwhile, in the village where Isabel was, life stirred anew. The flowers began to bloom, and birdsong filled the air.

During this time, Isabel gradually adjusted to her life with Tristan, who proved to be caring and attentive despite their marriage being born out of duty rather than love. As spring unfolded, Isabel's belly was now rounded and visibly carrying the precious life growing within her.

Isabel's journey through her pregnancy was not easy. She faced ups and downs like any expectant mother. From dealing with morning sickness and fatigue to feeling the joy of her growing belly, she experienced it all. Despite the challenges, she found beauty in the changes her body underwent, embracing her new curves with grace.

As the seasons changed, so did her outlook. And now, with spring's arrival, she seemed to bloom alongside the flowers, her happiness evident with each passing day.

Tristan watched while Isabel played with the children in the garden. Her laughter blended harmoniously with the sounds of the children cheering and yelling at each other. He could not stop feeling the sense of pride and affection swell within him.

On the other hand, Isabel was happily assisting the children in the new game she had taught them. As one of the children passed the rounded, medium-sized cloth ball, it suddenly flew towards her direction. She was about to get hit when Tristan came to the rescue.

He immediately blocked the ball with his own body just as it was about to land on Isabel and successfully protected her.

"Oh! Thank you," she giggled, a little startled by his sudden appearance.

"Right on time," he proudly chuckled and picked up the ball, handing it back to the children.

"Thank you, sir!" one of them said before heading back to where his other playmates were.

Tristan waved his hand and turned back to face Isabel, who looked very fond of seeing him with the child.

"You know, you'd be a great father someday," Isabel complimented, tapping his shoulder casually before turning her back at him.

Tristan was dumbfounded. Recently, Isabel never missed a chance to surprise him, and his flustered face showed how much he did not expect that.

Isabel's steps were light and her heart was full as she walked away, heading back to the house. She had just praised Tristan's potential as a father, and the warmth of the moment lingered with her. As she neared the entrance of the house, she suddenly gasped and stopped in her tracks, her hand instinctively going to her rounded belly.

Tristan who was still standing in the garden watching her, was immediately alarmed. He saw her freeze and his heart skipped a beat. Without hesitation, he sprinted towards her, concern etched across his face.

"Isabel, what's wrong?" he asked urgently, his voice filled with worry as he reached her side.

Isabel looked up at him, her eyes wide out of surprise. She placed her other hand over his, guiding it to her belly. "The baby," she whispered, her voice trembling slightly. "The baby kicked."

Tristan's eyes widened in amazement as he felt the faint but unmistakable movement beneath his hand. It was the first time it happened. A smile immediately spread across his face, and he let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. "I felt it," he said softly, his eyes locking with Isabel's. "The baby... I felt it."

Isabel nodded, tears of happiness welling up in her eyes. "Yes, the baby," she echoed, her voice full of wonder and love. In that moment, the connection between them deepened even further, and the life growing inside her became a tangible reality for both of them.

Tristan wrapped his arms around Isabel, holding her gently yet firmly, surprising her. But Isabel only smiled and hugged him back comfortably. Despite the secret they both carried, Tristan never failed his role as protector and husband, and Isabel was grateful for everything he has done for her.

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