Chapter 33

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Chapter 33: Her Majesty's Pregnancy

Lucian and Victoria sat side by side in the grand council chamber. It is a space adorned with tapestries depicting the kingdom's rich history. The ministers were assembled before them, their faces serious as they discussed the pressing matters of the realm. Reports on crop yields, border security, and the treasury's state were presented and debated.

As the last of the reports were concluded, a heavy silence fell over the room. Lucian sensed that something unspoken lingered on the minds of his ministers.

Head Minister Marlowe, a man known for his cunning and ambition, cleared his throat and stood. "Your Majesty, if I may," he began, his voice steady but tinged with a subtle edge. "There is a rumor circulating within the palace. It speaks of you taking in an unknown concubine."

Lucian's heart skipped a beat. He opened his mouth to respond, but before he could utter a word, Victoria rose to her feet, her face composed and regal.

"Minister Marlowe," she interjected, her voice calm and authoritative. "Such a rumor is not only baseless but also impossible. The king would never take in a concubine."

The ministers exchanged puzzled glances, their whispers filling the chamber with a low hum of speculation.

Victoria continued with her tone unwavering. "The king is deeply in love with me, and he would not dare to do such a thing, especially now that I am with child."

A collective gasp echoed through the room. The ministers' faces lit up with expressions of joy and approval, their previous concerns seemingly forgotten. They began to murmur their congratulations, the atmosphere shifting to one of celebration.

Lucian, however, felt a surge of shock and confusion. He turned to Victoria, his eyes wide with disbelief. " this true?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Victoria met his gaze, her eyes steady and filled with a serene confidence. "Yes, Your Majesty. It is true."

The ministers continued to express their delight, their voices rising in a chorus of approval and well-wishes. Lucian forced a smile, nodding in acknowledgment of their congratulations, but his mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions.

Marlowe, his eyes glinting with interest and calculation, stepped forward. "This is wonderful news, Your Majesty. A child will certainly solidify the stability of our kingdom. We must prepare for the celebrations immediately."

Lucian nodded absently, still trying to process the revelation. The meeting concluded with the ministers eagerly discussing plans for the future, their excitement palpable. Lucian and Victoria remained seated, the room slowly emptying around them.

Once they were alone, Lucian turned to Victoria, his voice low and urgent. "Victoria, why did you not tell me sooner?"

Victoria's expression softened, and she placed a gentle hand on his arm. "I wanted to find the right moment, my king."

Lucian nodded slowly, his mind still reeling from the unexpected announcement. He stood, offering his hand to help Victoria to her feet. "We must discuss this further, in private."

For a fleeting moment, Lucian forgot about Isabel and somehow had a feeling of elation at the news of Victoria's pregnancy. The prospect of fatherhood filled him with pride and responsibility he had never known before.

As they left the council chamber, Lucian couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in his heart. The news of Victoria's pregnancy had brought joy, but it also cast a shadow of uncertainty over their future. With Isabel waiting just outside for news, he knew he had to tread carefully. Bringing in a concubine now could pose a threat to the stability of the throne, risking not only his reign but also the safety of Victoria and their unborn child. The thought weighed heavily on his mind as they made their way through the palace corridors avoiding the path where Isabel waited.

And so, Isabel stood at the familiar path where she often waited for the king while her heart was fluttering with excitement and hopefulness. Each passing moment felt like an eternity as she anticipated his arrival, her mind filled with visions of their future together.

But as the minutes stretched into hours, her smile waned, replaced by a sense of longing and uncertainty. Doubt crept into her mind as she wondered if the king had forgotten about her or if something had happened to delay his return.

Just when her patience was wearing thin, a palace guard passed by, and Isabel seized the opportunity to inquire about the king's whereabouts.

"Excuse me," she called out, her voice tinged with desperation. "Have you seen King Lucian? I've been waiting for him, but he hasn't arrived yet."

The guard paused, casting a sympathetic glance at Isabel. "I'm sorry, court lady Isabel," he replied gently. "But the council meeting ended hours ago. The king has likely retired for the night."

"Thank you," she murmured, her voice trembling with sadness as the guard gave a nod and left.

Isabel's heart plummeted like a stone in her chest as the guard's words finally hit her like a crushing blow. The hope that had buoyed her spirits moments ago evaporated into thin air, leaving behind a hollow ache of disappointment and pain.

Unable to hold back the torrent of emotions any longer, Isabel's eyes filled with tears that spilled over, tracing silent paths down her cheeks. A choked sob escaped her lips as the sound echoed in the empty corridor while she struggled to catch her breath amidst the overwhelming wave of sadness.

Each step felt like a heavy burden as she stumbled away from the path, her vision blurred by the tears that clouded her eyes. Desperation clawed at her chest, squeezing her heart in a vice-like grip as she searched for a secluded corner where she could hide.

Finally, finding comfort in the shadowy embrace of the hidden part of the garden where she spent a night with the king, Isabel collapsed against the cool stone walls while her body wracked with sobs that tore through her chest like daggers. She gasped for air between each anguished cry. She pressed a trembling hand to her stomach as the pain of her dashed hopes manifested as a physical ache deep within her core.

But even as she cried out in agony, Isabel fought to maintain a semblance of composure, unwilling to let her vulnerability be seen by anyone who might chance upon her in this pathetic state. With every ounce of strength she could muster, she struggled to rein in her emotions, to bury the pain and sorrow deep within her soul where no one could see the depths of her pain.

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